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GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland

GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland (1992)

January. 01,1992
| Fantasy Comedy Music

Representatives of the government, clergy, and healthcare communities have banded together to censor Gwar's activities in America. Their covert organization, the self-appointed "Morality Squad" has captured Gwar "member" The Cuttlefish of Cthulu and put it on trial for obscenity. Gwar ventures forth from their Antarctic stronghold to rescue their compatriot and unleashes untold horrors on America in the name of Freedom of Sexpression. This was Gwar's first commercially released long form video and was nominated for a Grammy in 1993.


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So much average


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


(Spoilers) Clearly this was the best music video by any band released in the 90s especially pedestrian stuff like Nirvana Unplugged in New York. As the entire country was about to launch into a fit of self-hating political correctness, GWAR lampooned everything that was sacred to liberals and conservatives alike. South Park, Beavis and Butthead and Family Guy were years in the future, and besides the Simpsons there was nothing going on in music or cartoons/clay motion (spell check won't accept the right spelling of the word) stuff with any blood, guts or male privates in it. What GWAR did was put their best music of their careers together with satirical vignettes lampooning the elderly, child abuse, the war on drugs (especially crack), Italian Americans, feminists, the handicapped, gays, the LA Riots, the priest abuse scandals and everything else that Sam Kinison and Andrew Dice Clay weren't smart enough to lampoon nearly as viciously or intelligently. Every other figure in the media was scared to death to make fun of this stuff at the time, and NO ONE today would dare to make jokes about this stuff. For that GWAR to me are like Norman Lear on crack. They took it on the chin (in more than one way ... ha ha ha) for all of us and made fun of self-righteous stupidity. This video may be a bit too blue and hilarious for kids today, who never saw shows like All in the Family or listened to George Carlin or Richard Pryor or even Eddie Murphy's hilarious stand up. I can't recommend this video highly enough to people who aren't humor impaired. It's a true classic. (/Spoilers)


GWAR was nominated for a grammy but did not win for this movie . I wonder what did , because i would find it hard to believe it was more entertaining than Phallus , in fact any GWAR movie (and there are quite a few ) would probably be better . i still own the original VHS tape purchased in the early 90's . my favorite part , and there are many , is near the beginning when the kid gets hit by (GWAR's manager)Sleazy P. Martini's limo and he begs to meet GWAR . Sleazy says OK and a giant hook comes from the sky to pull the boy to GWAR's lair . We then see BalSac the jaws of death reeling him in like fish . THE ACTION BEGINS THERE AND NEVER LETS UP . Buy this movie and all GWAR's movies .


I have been a fan of GWAR for a long time for many reasons, one of them being that for every album they put out comes another neat movie like this to go with it. With their album "America Must Be Destroyed!" as the soundtrack, this classic is nothing but sick fun from start to finish. I am amazed that they got a Grammy for this, it just seems too damn cool to get a Grammy! Eat this, Tipper! I just love every bit of it. Still, I must warn people with weak stomachs because this movie is so gross it makes Lucio Fulci look tame in comparison. Then again, who am I warning? If you know anything about GWAR, you'll most likely have enough brain cells to know that this is not going to be a Disney movie by any means! I give this my highest recommendation possible, eleven on a scale of one to ten!


Well if you like GWAR then you are sure to love this. It has a collection of GWAR songs compiled around a story of the lead singer loosing his penis, so GWAR go on the search for it. Has blood, violence and the songs are cool. What more do you want?. I remember years ago taking this into my art class at school and putting it on for the class, including the teacher. Watched the whole thing too!! Ah those where the days...
