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Disaster (2003)

April. 17,2003
| Action

When the girlfriend of a cult leader tries to leave the flock, she finds escape to be more difficult than she imagined.


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.


It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

Besart Prishtina

I kind a love B-Movies because apart from SFX, a b-movie can have a very good script and acting,but this one was very very bad.Since the beginning i got a feeling that this one will be bad (very bad), essentially what saved this "movie" was acting Alton, Davidson, Surewiec were good. But on the other hand based on special effects you can see clearly that this movie had a very low budget but than again low budget is not an excuse for such a bad, stupid and not intelligent at all script. I felt bad for actors that were part of this, and my vote strictly represents my view about the movie (as a script), but on the other hand i would give an 8 to actors.

Paul Wakefield

I bought this on DVD as Amazon put it into my "recommendations list". Shame on you, this movie should never be recommended to anyone (except perhaps serial killers who want to reform). As someone who after watching just about every disaster movie there is (and now I know how to pilot a 747 in a lightning storm,what to do if ever a volcano springs up in Doncaster in England, or tornado landslide or earthquake)thought, oh I saw Jim Davidson (not our English comedian) in a movie called Crowfoot and thought it was watchable (perhaps Erin Gray was the real reason for watching it, but thats besides the point) I wondered if he could repeat the role of an American Cop who plays by the book. NO. Here we have the usual cop who wants to be Mr bigshot and knows it all, fine if you are Bruce Willis or Mel Gibson, their acting skills can add a hint of irony and comedy to this sort of thing, sorry Jim, you are not in the same league.I think that there was a storyline but in got lost in the timeless world of constant explosions, how the casino remained standing after the amount of explosions beats me, Gerry Anderson did a much better job in the puppet series Thunderbirds back in the 1960's.The ending, well it was incredible in that it was so lame. There they were baddie and ex girlfriend stood on top of the Hoover Dam, by this point I was guessing what effects could be used, I thought we would end up with the rerun of the dam that cracks open in the first Superman Film, which I believe was partly edited into an episode of the A-Team or something in the eighties, but no we had a picture postcard of the dam been blown up several times and in between shots it magically part repaired itself.I'm glad it only cost me £1.96 from Amazon otherwise I would be returning it to the seller wanting my money back, whether the charity shop that is going to get lumbered with it sell it remains to be seen, at least if they get it donated back several times, they would make more of a profit for a good cause.As for Amazon, sorry I will not be taking you up on any more recommendations from now on.


Ugh! I almost puked after I watched that... A very poor action movie, with mediocre performances, simplistic effects and sets, and a really clichéd storyline.Disaster, also known as Cult of Fury, stars Jim Davidson as Roger, an average action hero. Marnie Alton plays Tracy, the girl that causes the whole trouble, and Sonny Surowiec plays Maxwell, an arrogant villain who thinks he's a big genius and that putting a bunch of bombs in Las Vegas is going to make him as famous as Hitler, Jesus and Martin Luther King. I'm not joking, that's what he says in some part of the movie!Now, where's the problem? Maxwell decides to take hostages, hunt down the hero and the girl. The hero's sidekick, Kenny, also has a problem: his daughter, Jenna, is in danger. And THAT'S where everything starts to collapse... literally.Maxwell places bombs anywhere around the place and activates them using a PDA. He presses the "bomb icons" on the screen and... BOOM! A bomb explodes. What really surprised me is the amount of innocent people dying in this movie. It's a whole lot of people, I'm telling ya! At the end of the movie, a TV anchorwoman reveals the body count of this movie. The villain died. The hero's boss died. And dozens of innocent die......but it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, the hero is alive, the girl is alive, the sidekick and his daughter are alive. All's well that ends well, right? Nobody is going to care about all those poor people who died. I really felt sorry for them, especially for the villain, who seemed to be a nice guy! If you find this movie in a video store, skip it, visit the IMDb and vote this a 1 out of 10. It deserves it.


*WARNING: SPOILERS*This is one of the best acted, most intense and oh so real action movies I've ever watched. How this didn't get a theatrical release is absolutely beyond me. Or an Oscar. Marnie Alton should certainly have won an Oscar for her fantastic performance in this masterpiece of a movie, and Yossi Wein should have won an Oscar long ago for U.S Seals! I mean when that villain blew up the overpass, I could really see the fear in the eyes of that poor truck driver and it made me feel like I was there and feeling this too. All the effects were some of the best I've ever witnessed, it should have also won an Oscar for "Best Special Effects". I just can't get over how this masterpiece of cinema has gone almost unnoticed for the last 3 years. I have to make a change to that. I am going into town and handing out free copies and urging everybody to rate and review it. I know they'll enjoy it and maybe a cult following will eventually get it a theatrical release. It's such a fantastic movie I just can't over it. I am watching it just now for the 33rd time and haven't missed one minute. I've cancelled many of my plans just so I can watch this masterpiece and I feel no regret. This has brought me more joy than anything else on the planet probably could.Erm, maybe not... This movie was terrible, and for that reason, was hilarious.It's funny to think that once upon a time NuImage used to do movies like Hard Justice, The Peacekeeper, Top Of The World, Scarred City and many more. By no means were these movies masterpieces, but they were solid, well made and above all highly enjoyable action movies with excellent production values and solid action scenes. Hard Justice being one of the best direct to video action movies I've ever seen. But where did it all go wrong? Did they lose money over spending considerable budgets on movies that went direct to video? In recent years they have put out such dreck as U.S Seals, Derailed, Death Train, dreadful Operation Delta Force movie after another and much more. Why are they even employing this Yossi Wein anyway? Currently on IMDb, only one of his movies have a rating over 3 and what's even worse is that the production budgets in his movies certainly aren't as low as other awful B-movie directors like Albert Pyun, Jim Wynorski, Fred Olen Ray etc. so he has no excuse to botch them in the way he does."Sudden Damage" as it's called in the UK is quite possibly the most pointless movie of all time. I won't even get started on the script, it is ridiculous and makes no sense what so ever. Much of it takes place in a casino in Las Vegas and the climax takes place at the Hoover Dam. If you've seen the earlier, and enjoyable NuImage movie that was Top Of The World then that will probably sound overly familiar. That's because this uses footage from Top Of The World and is basically the same movie with:Worse actors who are taking the thing far too seriously. Witness one of the most boring, and most wooden and unscary villains in history.A bunch of grainy news footage of a firefight from the 1980's by the looks of things. Not just by the quality of this can you tell this is dated footage, but the vehicles, the clothes, the hairstyles etc. are enough for us to tell this is from a different era. There is no way director Yossi Wein couldn't have seen this, but I'm only assuming he didn't really care or was deliberately trying to make a bad movie.Some of the cheesiest modelwork I've ever seen. Witness an inch tall plastic toy truck exploding which doesn't even match the type of vehicle used in the footage prior to it. Honestly, this is the worst modelwork I've ever seen. If you've seen the toy train in Derailed and thought that looked bad, just wait till you see this. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen.Car chase footage from Top Of The World which makes absolutely no sense being in this movie.Locations faked with actors standing over a static background, ,which looks like something out of the 1950's where the lighting of the sun doesn't match at all.Dreadful, out of sync voice dubbing.A cruise ship exploding with absolutely laughable CGI flames.What's even sadder about this mess is that it actually looks like Yossi Wein has been handed a budget that something decent could have been made from. The interior set of the casino is passable and there's tons of explosions and some decent stunts. However, it looks like he's decided to blow it all on a random explosion inside the building every 2 minutes. I've never seen less competent directing than this, NEVER.Overall, this is Grade Z material and the sheer quality or rather the lack of it will absolutely blow you away and it gets worse at an unbelievable rate. If you want a movie to make fun of then only Extreme Limits is a better choice than this.Oh, and the title "Disaster" is because the villain, after falling several hundred feet down the Hoover Dam courtesy of footage from Top Of The World, has enough energy left to press a button which blows up the whole dam and causes a "Disaster". This only happens in the last 4 minutes and is so badly implemented it may as well not have been included at all.
