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Skeleton Key 2: 667 Neighbor of the Beast

Skeleton Key 2: 667 Neighbor of the Beast (2008)

September. 02,2008
| Horror

Howard and Nicopernicus take a trip back to Nilbog to contend with zombies, vampires, and the dreaded Dr. Nochas in this sequel to Alucard and Shadow Hunters director John Johnson's outrageous horror comedy. There's blood and boobs to spare as the viewer crosses back into the town where nightmares are made, and characters break into song after soiling themselves.


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Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake)

In 2005, Kate Hudson starred in 'The Skeleton Key,' easily one of the most underrated horror/thriller films of the decade. It told the tale of a nurse who must care for a sick, elderly man in the backwoods of N'Orleans. The film was expertly crafted with its palpable suspense, beautiful settings, and fine cast.Unfortunately, 'Skeleton Key 2: 677 Neighbour of the Beast' has nothing to do with that film. Instead, it is the misleading sequel to John Johnson's crappy straight-to-video horror/comedy 'Skeleton Key' (2006). Why call it misleading? Well, probably because the DVD covers for 'Skeleton Key 2' and the Kate Hudson flick are almost identical? Or because of the vague plot descriptions on the DVD case? Similar to The Asylum production company, John Johnson released this self-proclaimed fanboy flick in hopes of getting unknowing fans of the Kate Hudson film to buy/rent his ridiculous flick. And it worked. Sadly.When watching "bad" horror movies, one saving grace often comes from their runtimes. With b-horror, budget constraints and, often, a lack of story, the runtime is usually held under 90 minutes. This helps horror fans who like to search the dregs of the genre for hidden gems by limiting the time investment for the individual films. Here, though, John Johnson forces us to sit through 123 minutes of his awful film. Over two hours of some of the most hilariously awful cinema I've ever sat through. Don't get me wrong: there's nothing at all wrong with the occasional intentionally bad film. In fact, intentionally bad movies are often some of the most fun a viewer will find if he has a few friends and a case of brew around.However, with a runtime of over two hours, the vampire leprechauns (seriously), zombies that look like Na'vi (seriously), naked chefs with rubber chickens (seriously), and musical numbers in bunny suits (seriously), this film is just far too much to take. While there is a reprieve of hilariously bad acting & gore, not to mention plenty of boobs and lesbian action, even that doesn't make this a bearable film. If that's what you're looking for, just stick with softcore Skinemax and gore flicks.Final Verdict: 1.5/10 for quality, bearability, and everything that matters, but I will admit to laughing quite a bit, so it wasn't a total loss.-AP3-


p-semple is an astroturfer. Great music? Most of it sound likes an old NEW game. Better acting? Better than what, a dead sloth. The lighting is horrid, the camera work was done by a crack fiend, and the audio was all over the place. The entire plot is Satan telling some guy that his life bar goes down when he gets hurt (they actually display a life bar) and it goes up when "he has sex with those awesome asses". I wish I was kidding. The devil watches him have 'sex' while eating popcorn, wearing 3D glasses, and shaking pom-poms while saying "Do it do it do it!" You'd think it would be funny. You'd be wrong.How did they get away with using 'Skeleton Key' without being sued is beyond me. The girls are not even attractive.This is worse than a bad Troma film.


Like probably most of the people who happen to come across this, I thought it was a direct to DVD sequel of the Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson. I've never been more wrong in my life. Even before the movie started just seeing the quality of the opening credits, I said to my girlfriend, this can't be a good sign. But it was definitely a sign of things to come. The opening scene consisted of a guy running down the sidewalk with the DVD of the movie you're supposed to be watching and for some reason his sticks his hair in his mouth and starts talking in an annoying high pitched voice. I was done after that. I skipped ahead a few scenes just because I couldn't believe this was the real movie but it just got weirder and weirder. I'm still trying to figure out how the heck this garbage ended up on Netflix to begin with. It literally looks like some high school kids were bored and used their mom and dad's for a homework assignment. Skeleton Key 2...HA! Don't fall for the okie doke like we did. -1 star.


I must say this was absolutely terrible. Skeleton key 2??? This is a movie with camera flashes during the movie. What are they making pictures of you wonder? Pictures of a fat guy singing a song while having a bucket of poo on his head. This isn't even funny even if you like Tom Green.Don't bother watching this, it has nothing to do with the skeleton key. It's just some idiots with a camera that you can see on Youtube all the time, only this is even worse. If you do decide to watch this, be prepared. I would advice to have a good film ready to use. Because this one leaves a scar in the movie business.Acting: 1 Comedy: 1 Camera work: 1 tits: 6
