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The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom

The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom (1968)

September. 11,1968
| Comedy

Harriet Blossom is married to Robert Blossom, a businessman who'd rather spend the night at his bra factory than at home with her. One day, Harriet's sewing machine breaks, so Robert sends a repairman, Ambrose, to fix it. It's lust at first sight for Harriet, who convinces Ambrose to hide out in the attic for a tryst. When her new beau shows no desire to leave, the pair begin a years-long love affair right under Robert's nose.


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That was an excellent one.




Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.


This movie is about color, rhythm, blossoms, visual wit, vibrant states of mind love, and being in love all over the place. And wonderfulness. No one since Charles Laughton has made faces as amazingly as the great Freddie Jones does here as the inspector. The level of film-making is the absolute top. In its own very different way, it is as well scored, composed, and photographed as a David Lean film, or something archly impressive like that. Quintessence of film art, really. But this movie couldn't be more unlike those movies. A visual equivalent of a great 60s pop music love song. The Beatles movies are less like Beatles songs than this tripped out valentine. An Overwhelmingly warm charming and dreamy psychedelic love trip. This movie hugs you and takes you to a place called nice.Cinematography by Geoffrey Unsworth (2001) and a great score by Riz Ortolani, and New Vaudeville Band (those guys who did "Winchester Cathedral") were used perfectly in the soundtrack.Patricia "Hyacinth" Routledge and John Cleese add to the fun.


Gotta just love this swinging feast of fun and frolics. Jam packed visual gags oodles of charm. Attenboroughs a comic tour De force, note how he attacks the intruder sliding along the dining table on his belly. Maclaine is in essence an unparalleled joy and ravishing to boot. Booth is Mr smooth cool and infectiously charming. Supporting Jones is a scream of camp perfection quietly assisted by the understating Rushden. Throw in some cameo gems by Cleese, Dunn and alike and we've got a perfect ten. Perfectly cast with zippy direction by the wonderful Joe McGrath. 90 minutes of sheer bliss so "let em eat chocolate cake"


I only saw this movie once, around 1982. Sorry to admit, I was still doing some of the 60s things at the time, like smoking pot, and so my recollections are not so vivid of the movie (except for laughing too much, and a giant bra), but it is remarkable that even now when I see Shirley McLaine movies I always wonder why Ihave never seen Mrs. Blossom again. I looked it up on Internet just now and came here, because "What a Way to Go!" came on, and it is another even older (1964) Shirley McLaine movie. She's So CUTE! Hmm, now that I recall, I was also in a love triangle at the time. Maybe that's why it seems so poignant.


I teach a high-school Film History class and use this movie to give the students a real taste of the 60's. London is the setting for this film, and London was the THE happening place in 1968. The Art Direction is superb. Every scene gives a visual clue to the styles and sensibilities of that "mod" generation. The costumes designed by the famous Zandra Rhodes were on the cutting edge for their time. I'd kill for one of those dresses today. The plot is silly,sweet and no great shakes, but this film captures the spirit of the time better than any I've seen. I waited for 25 years for this movie to come out on video, and finally received it from my husband on our 25th wedding anniversary. I believe some scenes were cut for the video, but it still remains our all-time favorite movie, if only for the nostalgia it evokes. My students LOVE it!!
