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Honest (2000)

May. 26,2000
| Comedy Crime

The film is an edgy black comedy set in swinging London in the late 60s. The All Saints girls play three street wise sisters who head 'up West' to rob and generally cause trouble.


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Too much of everything


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some


It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Honest was an attempt by the cast of girl-band All-Saints to try their hand at acting. The film should have been a comedy-drama but unfortunately the end result just proved that not all singers are gifted with acting talent (Shaznay Lewis, the fourth member of the group probably saw what was coming and declined a role).The fact that the three girls have not done anything significant in the acting world since Honest speaks volumes. Director Dave Stewart made his name directing music videos and so was perhaps the wrong person for this film.Nicole and Natalie Appleton with Melanie Blatt play three sisters who disguise themselves as men in order to commit burglaries and robberies in 1960s London. The have figured that the only way out of their working class rut is to rob from the rich and well-to-do. In the course of their crimes they cross a real hard villain who does not appreciate the sisters moving into his patch. Peter Facinelli plays Nicole's love interest as they evade the police and the hit men sent after them.It is very difficult to believe that the disguises that the girls adopt would in any way convince onlookers that these were really men. They still look like girls in disguise and even their voices betray their gender. Everyone speaks with an obviously fake Cockney accent and some of the facial grimaces they pull in an attempt to look hard are plainly stupid. There are plenty of props placed around the sets to give an authentic 60s feel, from lava lamps to gramophones to dreadful wallpaper, and even more dreadful clothes.This review was of the UK DVD release of the film and it is unfortunate that there are no extras such as director's commentary or behind the scenes documentary. For the record, the music festival scene was shot at Kirtlington Park, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, England. This was a nice diversion from London but it still only gets the film 2 stars.


This film is the worst i've ever seen. I'm presuming anyone who grades this higher than a 2 is just a massive All Saints fan. I'm one of those weird people who usually likes bad films but this was a real chore to sit through. It's not just bad in one area either. The acting is awful. I do actually like all Saints music but i think the fact that they never tried their hands at films again indicates that they probably realised how bad they were. The story line is S***e as well. Altogether i think had another director (not The Eurythmics Dave Stewart) had tried to get this made with another set of actresses than it never would have been given the green light. On 2nd thoughts go see this film because unless you've seen it you can't comprehend how bad it is. Just make sure you've got a decent Brit flick to watch straight after, just so it doesn't put you off British films for life.


I went to see this film with my girlfriend.. Although she's a fan of ALL SAINTS.. I thought I'd treat her to see this film.. I must admit, after ten minutes into the film.. I started to get bored and wanted to fall asleep.OK, so Dave Stewart maybe in the director's chair.. but his biggest mistake was directing a film that had no sense.. Pure pappy-show!Well anyway, by the end of the film.. I looked at my girlfriend.. and from the look of her face.. She was surely cheesed off with the film..It was a total thumbs down for the both of us.. We felt that the ALL SAINTS singers should stick to singing..But these days now, we don't usually hear about the Appleton Sisters.. Melanie Blatt, well? I guess she's still gtting back into singing.. And what about Shaznay Lewis..? I have no idea..Sorry Dave.. But if you want to go back into directing..? Get someone to give a decent script! Totally diabolical 1 out of 10!

Ian Mc

This must have looked great on paper... Imagine three beautiful sisters, in swinging-sixties London, who steal for a living. Get three pop stars (Nicole and Natalie Appleton, Melanie Blatt of the 'All Saints) as the cast and package with pop star turned director, Dave Stewart (of Eurythmics fame).It's the perfect pitch. OK - maybe not, but there will be a buzz and people will want to see it. But should they? In my opinion, probably not.From the outset, the film couldn't decide whether it wanted to be sixties a pastiche comedy, or a thriller edged movie.The plot was pedestrian and you were never really drawn to care about the characters. The script was peppered with sixties stereotypes, posh kids, tripping hippies and some decidedly one-dimensional mobsters. The cast seemed to struggle under the weight of the plot, some of the scenes were truly painful to watch - especially the comedy drug-dealer villain and the extended 'trip' sequence. Some of the emotional pay-offs were lame to say the least. Co-writers Clement and La Frenais (with Stewart) are capable of much, much more than this.All that said, there are a couple of good comedy moments, including a chase into Mornington Crescent Tube Station in a camper van. Sadly, these moments are few and far between.Nicole Appleton, as the oldest sister Gerry, seemed reasonably at home in her role. Sadly though, she was let down by a mock-cockney accent which seemed to have escaped from the Dick Van Dyke school of dialect coaching. Others were guilty of this too. Peter Facinelli, the American love interest was missable. Corin Redgrave brought a little dignity to the proceedings with his mob boss.Points must also go to one of the most obvious continuity errors I have ever seen... a full back tattoo that goes missing!With an 18 Certificate in the UK for the drug-taking, language and nudity the film was doubtless pitched at an adult audience. I feel that, unless all want to see is some pop star nudity, you will walk away disappointed. "Honest" is destined for the same bargain bin that you may pick 1997's 'Spiceworld' out of, and that's a shame as this had the potential to be far, far better. One to miss.
