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Kiss the Sky

Kiss the Sky (1998)

October. 26,1998
| Drama Romance

Two professionals, Jeff and Marty, take a business trip to the Philippines. Their deep dissatisfaction with their lives leads them to forsake their friends and families for a return to the alcohol and drug-induced wanderings of their youth.


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Best movie of this year hands down!


the audience applauded


Masterful Movie


All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.


Dreadful script sinks a good cast. I'm sure the story is serious enough, and I regret that I couldn't hang in there long enough to see Terrence Stamp. And they call women whiny! I can see how Gary Cole got the part he had in "Office Space." He whines exceptionally well, which is all this script gives him to do until he falls down the recapturing-his-youth rabbit hole.Gary Cole plays a nearly suicidal attorney whose best friend, played by William Petersen, takes on as his rescue project, having been through his own nervous breakdown earlier. The first half hour does not reward with much but a headache. The script to that point apparently never met a class, age or ethnic stereotype it didn't want to exploit, employing only the choicest clichés available. It has no emotional depth, but if it was meant to be satirical, it also lacks the wit to pull that off.This is "Save the Tiger" as a buddy road flick. That movie gave me a headache too, but I was able to sit through it, because it had the one thing going for it this one didn't, at least in the first half hour, i.e. decent writing.There are so many other movies and plays that have handled this topic with better grace, even when showing middle-aged men behaving badly.If I can skip the first half hour, I may be persuaded to sit through it to catch Terrence Stamp's performance, but I'm afraid of what lurks behind that curtain.My one word review: Blecchh!


This is an antithesis to the chick flick. Two guys ditch the Real World and go on an international adventure in the Phillipines. The two main characters are lifelong best friends who leave their wives and kids for paradise in the tropics. We've all felt that desire to be free from our chains. However, each new attempt at paradise has its problems, women, natural disasters, longing for their families back home. No matter how close paradise looks on the horizon, you can't ever get to it.This is definitely a "thinker" movie and discusses the search for heaven on earth, or if there is ever such thing as complete contentment. We as humans, by nature, are always looking for the next best thing. As men, we want the perfect woman who understands and adores us, but even if we find her, we are always going to lose that luster and start wanting something else. Just when we think we know what we want, we find that we don't...Great film


Comments from other reviewers lead me to believe that this movie has some resonance for mid-life challenged males. Who am I to argue with that? But for everyone else, this is just pathetic and embarrassing nonsense. A very low budget film that (obviously) went direct to video and never went near a theatre. My husband rented it because the box said something about a "menage a trois" and he thought it would have some sex scenes. Well, it does, but they are so boring and tame that they would be laughed off a daytime soap opera. Sheryl Lee is very attractive in a down-to-earth way, but William Petersen (CSI) and Gary Cole (One Hour Photo) are tired and out of shape and have this hang dog look to them that suggests the whole enterprise is just plain embarrassing...which it is.I find nothing sympathetic in the plight of fabulously successful and wealthy white upper class men who abandon their wives and children, take their life savings and go to the Phillipines to blow $200,000 on A.) debauchery and B.) building some kind of God-awful bamboo structure that is supposed to be a motel or bed&breakfast or something. The plot and dialogue are so lame and unbelievable it is hard to imagine the actors finding this project palatable so I have to figure they wanted the free trip to the Phillipines. Trust me, this one won't be appearing on anybody's career resume.Despite the potentially gorgeous surroundings, the cinematography is very poor and of a TV movie quality. It was apparently filmed on location in the Phillipines, but you'd hardly know it, it could have been filmed in Hawaii or even Florida. The use of Leonard Cohen songs throughout is done poorly...the songs don't have any relevance to the actions going on and seem to be just plunked into place.Terrance Stamp has a small, lame part as a Buddhist monk who is inexplicably allowed to have sex and drink alcohol. There are so many low points in this movie, I would be cruel to list them all, but the worst is when all the main characters are swimming nude, and they stand up in shallow water to greet the monk...we are forced to view their saggy, pudgy naked behinds and trust me, it's not a pretty moment.A film utterly devoid of sympathetic emotion, and out of touch with any reality I'm aware of (but then I am not a bored, rich white male). The use of titillation (a three way!) to try and sell this bloated tripe is just out and out pathetic. This is a huge waste of time to sit through, even if it pops up on cable, so I suggest you avoid it. You have better things to do with your time.


I do not understand the rating for this one - I rated it an 8.My guess is that women will not enjoy this movie, not to mention men who only like movies with a lot of action or comedy. This movie is definitely a talk-fest, but if you are interested in philosophy (why am I here?), you should like this one.Men - I do not recommend watching this with your significant other. If you do, be prepared to say "I would never do that" and "I do not identify with these guys at all", otherwise, many arguments are predicted.
