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War of the Buttons

War of the Buttons (1994)

September. 29,1994
| Family

War between two Irish youth gangs consists of removing and retrieving buttons from each other's clothing.


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Purely Joyful Movie!


Crappy film


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


I want to say hello to the people who read this comment, I think that this movie describes a beautiful and innocent war between the kids of two different villages: Bally and Carricks, but the main idea of the drama is the importance that those kids give to the fact of get the buttons of the contrary rival band.As usual, the consequence of the fighting is that the parents grouse the kids when they come without their buttons and laces....It's so sad the scene when a poor kid is hit by him father and then goes out of the home crying...But on the contrary, a beautiful moment in the movie is when the kids of the two different villages are fighting with violence and appears a little rabbit injured. Then, the kids come to an agreement.I'm not a native English-speaking, and there were many words misunderstood, for example BEODO and others that i don't remember.Thank u a lot.

catalina mesa (ktam84)

This story is about a growing rivalry between young boys in two neighboring Irish small towns. It shows us all the experiences that those kids lived during their "war". It is an entertaining story about love, family, forgiveness, courage and friendship. I really liked the movie because it has many relations with the real life. I think the film criticize the human conflicts and the violence that exist in the world. I liked a sentence in a conversation between Fergus and Geronimo: "Why are we fighting? Nothing, Why else?". I think that in these words there is a very important message for people, and it is that many times humans fight without reason.The youthful actors were comic, fantastic, joyful, touching, and totally convincing in their roles. All the actors did a perfect job. I especially liked Geronimo and Fergus, the two leaders. In addition, the picture's location is stunning, Ireland is beautiful! Two scenes in particular were memorable: The "rain" of buttons and when the kids stopping the war to care for the little rabbit. I liked so much the end and I'd like that all wars ending that way. I had a great time with this wonderful film. I really recommend you. It is very cute. In this film you will go through hatred, love, laughter, sadness, happiness and lots of other emotions! In conclusion this movie is a beautiful story with vibrant characters, very special moments and a valuable lesson for life.


"War of the buttons" is a story about a fighting of two gangs composed by kids. One gang is from Ballydowse and the other one is from Carrickdowse. Both gangs are headed by Fergus and Geronimo respectively.The "war" consists of cutting off their opponent's buttons as a trophy or a signal of victory during a battle.In "War of the buttons", the children shows us up an important organization as a common society even its background is still a kid's adventure from small towns.There's no need to find out a meaning in the battles or the scenes they play, well... it's not adventure acting neither... but I guess there is a simple suggestion about the roles of each person in a group of people summoned by the same purpose.The magic of childish minds into colorful places of Ireland makes a nice environment in the movie, despite of the fighting between them.However is an entertaining story about love, family, forgiveness, courage, betrayals, friendship and support; held by a cute frame of kid's brightness.I really recommend you guys to check it out if you haven't seen it.

bob the moo

In two small Irish villages the two communities have children who are ongoing hostilities. The Bally's are a little poorer than their rivals the Carricks. However the war of attrition between the two sets of boys is escalated when Fergus cuts all the buttons and buckles off one of the Carrick's clothes. This sparks the war of the Buttons which the Bally's take seriously, saving money, building a head quarters etc. The childish war begins to escalate however and the reality of the adult world begins to make it's presence felt in a very real way. I set my video to tape one of the Hope/Crosby `Road to' movies late one night. However the destination for that movie was a place that had been the target of a terrorist bomb so it was dropped from the schedules and this movie was put in it's place due to the similar running time I assume. I was a little let down cause I'm a big Hope fan but I thought I'd give this a shot for lack of anything else to watch. I had high expectations when I saw that the team behind this had also produced and written Chariots of Fire, but soon realised this was a much more low key affair.The plot is a remark of an old French film and sees a village feud between two groups of kids. It could have been sentimental and mushy with tonnes of cute kids just taking things too far 9imagine if Disney had made this!) but happily it is kept on a level field and not allowed to be spoilt in such a crude manner. The plot never gets out of hand and the ending is a sobering blow of reality without falling into sentimentality which it could so easily have done.The cast are all excellent. The children are not the `cute but cheeky' type favoured in Hollywood but are totally convincing in their roles. The film never judges any of them but lets us just watch without having baddies or goodies – just children. The only fault is that it is a little too light and could be basically a film for slightly older kids who can understand the themes and not just take in the idea of fighting. Adults may find it to be a little too childish for long parts, but it's still a good mix of fun and serious material.Overall I was set for a Bob Hope classic but got this. I got over my disappointment and got into this. It is light and funny but also dark without tipping into the mushy sentimentality that accompanies many films with all-kid casts. Could have been more substantial but is still pretty enjoyable all the same.
