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Barney's Great Adventure

Barney's Great Adventure (1998)

April. 03,1998
| Adventure Fantasy Comedy Family

Mom and dad dump son Cody, daughter Abby, her best friend Marcella and a baby on the farm with Grandpa and Grandma. Purple dinosaur Barney soon appears to entertain the kids, and when a large colorful egg deposited on a farm by a shooting star is accidentally carted off, Barney and the kids start their chase for it.


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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.


best movie i've ever seen.

Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


(Standard Review #1)Before commencing, I would like to leave something clear: I DO like Barney & Friends (1992-2009). It was one of my favorite series from my transient childhood, and despite not usually watching it now, it ain't something that I remember with revulsion. I first knew about this "movie" (for I still can't believe that there are people who support the existence of a MOVIE of Barney the Dinosaur) when I watched Tri-Line's video, "11 Movies Prohibited For Absurd Motives" on YouTube. I was literally shocked when I saw Barney's Great Adventure (1998) among those films. First I wondered: "Was it banned? Why?" and then, "Wait... A MOVIE!? Does Barney da Dinosaur have a MOVIE!?". I had to watch it, and I didn't doubt for a second that I oughta rate it with a well deserved 1/10. I must also add that I find it obscene and unbelievable that there are 506 people in IMDb who qualify this muck with a 10/10. Now, I'll explain why I think Barney's Great Adventure shouldn't only be prohibited but exterminated. There are series and films dedicated to a children's audience, and so it's normal that adults don't like it. It happens the same with adults' series. South Park, for instance: Parker, Graden, and Stone's smartness and creativity richly reflected throughout South Park's 21 seasons are, and probably will always be, misunderstood by children, not only due to its foul language but the innumerable references to movies or other series that a child would hardly watch. South Park was a resounding success for the adult audience, and therefore, it merited a movie. That's also why age restrictions exist. And that's why the opinion of a child isn't relevant for series or films reserved for an adult audience. It's exactly the same with Barney & Friends, for it didn't reach that popularity in its audience (children), whether you liked the series or not. And, it's not worth it and it will never be worth paying to go see it on the big screen! The minds behind this crap (apparently, with no talent nor desire), should've been aware of it. But there wasn't a single analytical, prudent mind to realize that everything would definitely go very bad. Effectively, it raised an approximate of 12 million dollars, which meant a sorry squandering of 2 781 362 dollars. I can't believe they didn't expect it. We should all know that a protagonist's popularity isn't enough for a film to be "good". Perhaps you're wondering why Tri-Line placed this movie on its list of PROHIBITED movies for absurd reasons. You probably haven't known, but this filth was banned in Malaysia, labeling it as INAPPROPRIATE. Maybe you think the Malaysian people were exaggerating. But what they say is certainly true. I'll set an example: when Barney shows up for the first time in the movie, he says he's been taking a bath. He literally opens the bathroom curtains whilst making irritating sounds with his "mouth", then asking for a towel from one of the infants who were witnessing him getting outta the tub. Once with one foot out of the tub (by the way, I don't know why the camera focuses only at ONE of his two feet on the floor), it starts to "dance" in a perverted way for a couple of seconds while he dries up. Once "dried", because we don't even see it wet when it appears suddenly, he returns the towel to the child and thanks him for the bath. There is another moment, in a dance scene, basically, Barney is dancing with a girl, swinging her with his arms in a "loving" way, even caressing her with his "body". It's up to you if you want to believe that people exaggerate just for loathing Barney, but it's true: this offal is inappropriate for EVERYONE. By the way, have you heard the movie's songs? There's no doubt that the songs are a bright side in Barney's Great Adventure, but quite the opposite. They were all lousy and awfully written, and they even contradicted the film's plot, sometimes. Perhaps this is not a reason why it was banned in Malaysia, but it's certainly another reason why Barney's Great Adventure was going through agonies in theaters. Another negative aspect of this film is a serious mistake that it makes from the beginning to the end: Barney's Great Adventure confuses IMPOSSIBLE with ILLOGICAL. An example is to fly. For the human being, flying was always impossible, only until the plane's invention; flying quit being an impossible act for us, ever since. But, a "dream-maker" that falls to Earth every 1000 years inside an egg that won't open until it's located in the exact place where it landed from the sky, is simply illogical; and certainly makes children dumber, because what's reflected in this unremarkable stupidity is an evident lack of imagination and creativity. In the film, once the egg has fallen and returned back to the location where it fell (a barn, in this case), it opens and a white creature shows up. It, apparently, already has a name and conscience! I mean, HE'S JUST BORN! Does he already have a name, seriously!? Can he THINK too!? God, what are our little siblings and/or sons used to watch?) I'm glad to know that this film is no longer that popular because now children will no longer be stupidized by this monstrosity. Apparently, Barney's Great Adventure aims to make you believe that everything is possible by using our imagination; but that's when the terrible mistake is made, for not everything is possible, and you do know it! Imagination is a great support, for it helps us to think outside the box and stop thinking about boundaries, but the fact of using the imagination to believe in an idiocy as absurd as a "dream-maker" fallen from the sky in an egg is simply bad, and certainly makes children dumber.Another aspect that I would like to emphasize, is the simple idea of having wanted to launch this film in theaters. Superman IV, in some countries, was released directly to DVD, because it was logical (and quite evident) that its success and box office would be disastrous. It intrigues me that NO ONE in charge of the production and realization of this crap has crossed his mind the fact that it would run the same destiny as Superman IV. But hey, what's done is done: the film was a great money squandering, as I explained above. Barney's Great Adventure could've been enjoyed by some kids; several, perhaps. But parents are those who take their children to the movies, let's not neglect such detail. And, seriously, outta jokes, I wonder which parent could possibly like to see a guy disguised as a purple and green dinosaur with rarely disturbing eyes and an irritating voice dancing and singing with children. It's simple: Barney's Great Adventure shouldn't have ever existed. "Enough success" it had with Barney & Friends, don't ya think?

Eric Stevenson

Barney was a big part of my childhood. Well, anti-Barney humor was a big part of my childhood. Yes, I was around when it first aired. I am so proud to say that it wasn't the first show I ever watched, as that would go to something like "Sesame Street" or "Mister Roger's Neighborhood". I don't know if this is even technically the first Barney movie. There may have been a few TV movies out there that came first. I don't care and don't want to watch them. I actually heard that even people who are Barney fans (yes, they exist) don't like this movie! A lot of things don't hold up as an adult and this is certainly one of them.Is this worth all the hate it gets? Yeah, pretty much. I guess I don't hate it as much as most people and everyone will go nuts that I didn't give this a 1/10. You could use the argument that it's just something for kids, but that's not an excuse. The shows I just mentioned were for kids and they still hold up today. The late 90's really was a dark time for movies. It's a pity no one on Channel Awesome has reviewed this yet. I think this actually isn't quite made fun of as much as "Twilight" or "The Phantom Menace". To be fair to those, this really is worse than them.The story just makes no sense. Baby Bop and BJ barely appear at all. Yeah, I'm not defending them. I'm just saying that the film could have had more variety if it had more than just Barney. They make a big deal about how the grandparents are going to see him. Everyone in the whole town saw him in public! Half of this movie is just spent looking for a lost egg. That's literally all that happens. Yeah, Barney does work in his trademark song at the end. There's much better stuff out there for your kids, but hey, this is still better than Carrot Top. *1/2

Python Hyena

Barney's Great Adventure (1998): Dir: Steve Gomer / Cast: George Hearn, Shirley Douglas, Trevor Morgan, Kyla Pratt, Diana Rice: Unbearable family film about adventure and imagination that is best viewed under the influence of alcohol. The story is a series of adventures to obtain a colourful egg. It is always a headache listening to moralists complain about R rated films. Do they honestly believe that society should indulge in this crap? George Hearn and Shirley Douglas are reduced as grandparents of Barney's owner. The fact that they were talked into this is a sad state in one's career. Trevor Morgan owns Barney while Kyla Pratt plays a friend and they obviously lack basic social skills to resort to this sort of mind warp. Hopefully these kids were paid well for what amounts to a total childhood embarrassment. It capitalizes upon the success of the TV show with idiocy such as children riding a log into the sky. Barney is nothing more than a costume, which is not exactly high production. We aren't exactly talking Jurassic Park here. Bring a camcorder to a bar at two in the morning and witness behaviour that equals the idiocy demonstrated here. This is the kind of film that adults need to string up and take crack shots at with a baseball bat while blindfolded. When the lights came on I did not join children in inquiring the whereabouts of Barney. I was just glad he was gone. Score: 1 / 10


Utter Crap. First of all, when I was a kid, I used to enjoy Barney when it aired on PBS. Nowadays, I can't believe how moronic this movie is. The plot is nothing more than a lot of bore. The characters are all babyish. Cody is the least favorite 'cause I think he's a jerk. In the beginning, his sister and her best friend act like a couple of mini-teenagers. And Barney, YES Barney, is, pardon my language, the crappiest crap in the history of crap if it were dumped on by a pile of horse crap, the crap will be too heavy if you try to pick up the crap with a crap scooper. If you want something that defines the meaning of the word "adventure", Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom would be an excellent choice. I'm sure it's got more action(and I mean it!) than "Barney's Greatest Adventure". -100 stars out of 100.
