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El tigre de Santa Julia

El tigre de Santa Julia (2002)

September. 27,2002
| Comedy History

An army deserter turned bandit robs from thieves to give the money to the poor. He was famous for being caught by the police "with his pants down"


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Highly Overrated But Still Good


A lot of fun.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


I strongly recommend not to waste your money seeing this movie!!!. It a very low budget movie. This has been the worst movie I ever seen in my life. Bad plot, bad characters, bad actors, bad dialogues, bad sets, everything was awful.

Guillermo Gonzalez (MemoGamero)

Despite its length (more than a couple of hours) the story did not find a direction; instead, you are offered to taste the characters in such manner you are forced to hate the bad guys and love the good ones.Many aspects of the film were definitely brilliant: the sceneries for Mexico in the early 1900s and the script, which seemed to be carefully written to exclude any neologism and include those seasonal slang.Screenplay, from time to time, shows a clear influence of Emilio `El Indio' Guzman and Ismael Rodríguez.A bit silly but very amusing.


One of the numerous legends that exist in Mexico is 'The Tiger of Santa Julia'. This was a man that lived in a town called Santa Julia, a town that would later become part of the enormous Mexico City by the second half of the 20th century. Tired of army and police corruption, "El Tigre" took justice into his own hands. However the most popular fact known about him is the way he got caught. Confusion and popular gossip mixed the real facts surrounding this person with fantasy, and thus "El Tigre" became a living legend.Director Alejandro Gamboa tried to capture exactly this in this movie. He tells his version of the real story behind Jose de Jesus Negrete, El tigre de Santa Julia. More than half of the movie looks fake, with many live colors, exagerated blue skies filled with the whitest clouds and an overdone narration of the story. Although Gamboa said in a radio interview that this was done intentionally, the result is not that visually pleasant.Aside from that, the movie is a lot of fun to watch. The comedy is well paced and is mixed up with robberies, sex and vengeance. The performances are sufficiently good for the movie to work."El Tigre de Santa Julia" is not by far the best mexican movie ever, but it's fun and sometimes that's what movies are all about.


With the sudden eruption of great Mexican films in the last few years, we are now being cheated upon thinking all Mexican films are worthy of a good review. This film, is not at all entertaining. With poor acting from most of the cast, a weak plot obviously drawn from Robin Hood, this movie proves to moviegoers that marketing can go much farther than the quality of a product. This movie starts off with the birth of Tigre, not wanted by his father who accuses his mother that the child isn't his, is tossed out of the window. With no idea how he grew up we see him arriving to his aunt's, a prostitute, house where he was sent to live. A very stupid conversation over a bottle of tequila convinces him of joining the army, where his best friend is killed in battle by his own captain. After defending a woman and killing the man who was beating her, a local journalist takes it upon his own to publish the story, with his own literary add-ons, and even invents Tigre's basis for his future in crime. Tigre accepting just to get revenge on the man who killed his friend who is now the police captain. He forms a posse o beautiful woman with whom he starts to steal from the rich to give to the poor. This is basically the whole story. Stupid situations, stupid problems with stupid solutions. Steer clear from this mexican movie and just wait to see what Alfonso Cuaron or Alejandro Gonzalez has in store for us in the future. One good tip is to stay away from films where most of the cast belongs to Mexican soap operas and unjustifiable nudity just to try to cash in at the box office.
