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Blood Shed

Blood Shed (2014)

February. 05,2014
| Horror

Loosely based on the true events of a homeless loner who moves into a self-storage facility inhabited by a community of bizarre squatters until they are locked in for the night with a deranged female who hunts them down in search of her lost child.


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Redundant and unnecessary.


Captivating movie !


best movie i've ever seen.


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Michael Ledo

This film is in no way a remake or sequel to the Terry West epic landmark film by the same name.In the city of angels, Gabriel (Gabriel De Santi) is mailed a key to a storage shed. Gabriel is interested in the shed as it holds a key to his real parentage. There are homeless people who live in some of the sheds and a mean owner named Arsen (Yasha Blackman), a second generation American who opted to keep his accent. Samira (Bree Essrig) is a chunky redhead who works there and takes an immediate liking to Gabriel who doesn't get along with the owner, hates life, and ignores his acting coach.There is also a naked woman (Cherie Daly) whose name is Jezebel that walks around like Mathilda May in "Lifeforce." Frequent "B" actress Bai Ling has a small role looking like the ho girlfriend of an NBA owner. Jillisa Lynn shows off her hammy legs, apparently on the same non-diet plan as Bree Essrig.The plot is straight forward and is explained about a third of the way through.The film could have been better. They went out of their way to create odd homeless characters and then did nothing entertaining with them. They needed to up the gore factor as the horror factor couldn't carry the film.In spite of any claim, this is not based on a true story, other than the fact people live in storage units.Okay as a desperation horror rental. Thank you writer/director Patrick Hasson for NOT making this a hand held camera film.Parental Guide: F-bomb. Nudity (Cherie Daly)

Trish Ann

From the description I wasn't expecting anything from this movie, and I got less than that. I am usually a fan of bad horror movies as they are often an amusing way to pass time, however with this one that was not the case. The poor acting itself made it near impossible for me to watch, so trying to follow a story line (if there was one) was an unworthy headache. I really tried to find something about this movie to make it worth my time, but kept finding myself disappointed I spent my pocket change to rent this thing. I got it from redbox and will make sure I get it back before being charged another day for it. To sum it up, and say so politely, I found more amusement watching my cat groom himself.


What we have here is what I like to call a "null-point film". Now typically when you go out to watch a film, or head to the store to rent one, you have something in mind for what you would like to see. If you rent a drama, you are probably looking for good acting mixed with touching real life scenarios. If you are looking for horror, you are probably hoping to see scary monsters and frightening circumstances.If you decide to watch ANY sort of movie in the horror genre with the word "blood" in the title, you are most likely expecting to see some gore.Surprisingly, this movie offers non of that. This is why I call it a null-point film. Everything I was expecting to see didn't happen. Oh sure lots of people died.. and each one of them died completely off-screen, with the killing blow happening off-camera. You hear bloody ripping noises and screaming, but see nothing. The special effects were limited entirely to red contact lenses and fake blood with something mixed in to look like intestines.I am normally a proponent of not overdoing your special effects. The rampant CGI in movies today is annoying at best and it's always good to see amateur film artists looking to avoid that sort of thing. However, in this film the creators got excessively conservative.Why would you make a slasher film with no slashing in it? Because honestly the plot, acting and atmosphere add next to nothing to the movie; slashing was really all that was left. It was the point, and for some reason it was avoided almost entirely.Hence, a non-movie.

Zahid Iqbal

A complete bullshit movie with no originality. Frankly speaking this movie doesn't even have a plot. Don't waste your time watching this. The poster came up like its evil dead or something like that, but trust me, noting but a complete haplessness awaits you after you've realized the movie has reached its finish line. Very very bad movie. Question to the movie team: What's the message here? Why did you make this movie? Why does the mother appear nude in front of her son??? A few boob scenes here and there and lousy acting everywhere. I don't know what made me watch this movie!!! Don't waste your time watching this, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!
