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Mr. Jingles

Mr. Jingles (2006)

July. 18,2006
| Horror

Determined to make the guilty parties pay for what they did, Mr. Jingles goes on a bloody killing spree, wreaking grisly havoc on the families of those who put him behind bars. But the homicidal clown had one witness who got away - and spent years in an institution trying to erase the gory memories. Now she is back and ready to join society again - but someone else is planning a very different homecoming!


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hyped garbage


From my favorite movies..


Excellent but underrated film


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to make this movie and put their name on it should be pitied...Mr. Jingles is, so far, the worst horror movie I've ever seen. It's shot like something that belongs on America's Funniest Home Videos. Everything looks like it was filmed by a $10 camcorder with a piece of sandpaper over the lens. The effects are what you'd expect from a low budget piece of trash like this. Everything looks like it was brought at Walmart, and they overuse the fake blood so much to the point where a gallon of the stuff will pour out of someone's mouth from one stabbing. And if all that somehow doesn't take you out of it, then the cheesy stock sound effects and horrible acting will. Not a single character in this video has any more personality than plank of wood for Mr. Jingles to plant his axe in. The only one in the movie that seems to have any acting skill to speak of is the titular killer clown, who is perfectly over the top and cheesy and makes the film much more of a comedy than a horror movie. And if you are looking for a horror that's so stupid and terrible that its funny, then Mr Jingles is perfect for you.


Hilarious when your high. This should be more of a comedy. If you have any sense of humor this one will have you smiling. Get out the ketchup, spray paints, and water balloons. Your in for a blast. Hehehehe.Mr. Jingles is the man! You got to be to squish a watermelon. Ignore all reviews that are bad for you'll regret not seeing this one. Seems like a cheap made comedy but you will be laughing to the point of busting some water in your pants. Watch out for the dinner bell sound. Lock your doors and windows and burn a big one and bring your munchies because your in for one hell of a show. His laugh is the greatest! You make my kids think clowns are actually funny.


This movie was one of the worst i have seen. Do not waste your money buying it or your time watching it. I could not even get through watching the first 15 minutes. It seems like this was made for a high school project, but honestly, a high school project would turn out so much better than this movie. The cover and summary make it to be better than it is. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the budget for this movie was less than $50. You would honestly have a better time watching the grass grow, than watching this movie. I am giving you this warning hoping you will do better things with your time than to watch this.

Kelsey Jayne

This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I mean the gore and bloody sequences were so realistic, I actually was scared to go to bed at night because I was afraid that maybe Mr. Jingles was roaming my house. The random drugs and alcohol was a nice touch, that always appeals to the young adults! Costumes were great and the sound effects were even better! The gun shots were so real, I thought they ACTUALLY shot him and killed the actor. The swearing was very useful in the dialogue, I could really feel the angry that was built inside all of the victims of Mr. Jingles. The plot wasn't confusing at all, it was actually the most beautiful story I've ever heard. And the ending, oh my gosh! Such a twist! I hope there is a sequel coming soon, because sometimes late at night I think about really happens to Angie and I wonder if she attends her friends' funerals and if she makes speeches at them. Or, maybe Mr. Jingles and her go into a high speed chase. I don't know, I just am practically peeing in my pants wondering!10/10 DEF!
