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The Bucks County Massacre

The Bucks County Massacre (2010)

December. 01,2010
| Horror Action Thriller

On Saturday, May 17th, 2008, police responded to a residence in a remote area of Bucks County, Pennsylvania for the report of a missing person. Upon their arrival, a routine investigation was performed and it was determined that the situation did not require police intervention. When the police returned the next morning to do a courtesy follow up, the house was immediately found to be the scene of a crime.


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Wow! Such a good movie.


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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


First of all, don't take the rating of, what is it now, 6.somewhat? - serious. This comes mainly from a handful of obvious fake reviews.This is a cheap, very very cheap found footage indie horror movie, that has literally nothing to offer.The first 50 minutes are filming a party. Yes, that's it. Absolutely nothing else happens than some early 20s people having a party. A pretty lame party, as it happens to be. The people are extremely unlikable and boring. They play guitar hero, sing with a guitar and talk. Like, the birthday party of a 12 year old. After 50 minutes, something happens, which leads to some persons running back to the party, showing the rest of the gang what they just filmed. All watch it, in real time, and we see the reactions to the film material, that we just watched some minutes before.Talking about recycling, huh?After that, a lot of shaky hand camera stuff goes on. Until the end you hear some screaming, then it's finally over.Sounds boring?Sure it does, because it was! The one and only thing that happened could have been avoided, if the guys from the party just stand together and beat the aggressor up. No one needed to die. So, this is super lazy "storytelling" (there hasn't been really much of a "story), the characters are unlikable (and let's be honest here, butt ugly on top), you can't see anything, and nothing happens.I totally see no reason why anyone should watch this. I love found footage movies and horror flicks, and I tend to honor the effort of making movies. But this? This was not a movie, and I cannot recommend it to anyone.1/10, and only because you can't give 0.


This was the most excruciating thing I've ever seen. It was loud and annoying, and I couldn't understand WHY any of these people were friends. They were vicious and nasty to each other, and yes, they had the excuse of being 'drunk', but for a birthday celebration, it was awful. The 'testimonials' from the 'families' were filled with nothing but wonderful and good things about their dead children. The 'families' didn't seem to be grieving in a natural way. It was if they took 'Ham Acting 101'.The man-thing was barely seen, and the purpose of the slaughter was unclear. He wasn't EATING them, so why ATTACK them. I wanted to slap those stupid girls so very badly. I kept saying SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. They wouldn't stop their infernal screaming, even when it would've been prudent for them to be friggin' QUIET.All in all, a hack job of a stupid found footage mess. Blech.

Brandon Telfair

Love found footage. Hit or miss genre, usually miss. This was an air-ball. As the other reviews say, basically 70 minutes of character development, 15 of screaming and dying. Bad acting other than the blonde girlfriend, can't even remember her name though. ***When you see five or six 2 and 3 star reviews then another few 9 and 10 star reviews, something is up. All you have to do it click on the user names of these 9's and 10's and you'll see they had never before, and have never since, reviewed a film on here. Obviously people involved in the film. Completely misleading to those who don't know better. This is the type of movie that deserves to be pirated, as I'm sure most of you who saw it did. Don't try to trick people. Let the film speak for itself. At least at that point, you can give them credit for their attempt.Bottom line. Fake reviews will mislead people into watching this. It's bad. Really, really bad. This coming from someone who will give any found footage movie a chance.

Clyde Fessler

Great expectations before the film, definitely, and they really paid off. The film is strong on so many levels, outstanding characters, great worlds If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor. Stop reading these reviews, get off your sofa, and go get this movie! Buy it, don't rent it. You will not regret it."Bucks County Massacre" is easily the best found footage horror-thriller of all time. Nothing even comes close...and yes it is miles ahead of Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch Project...miles!! All in all, The Bucks County Massacre was an awesome . Amazing characters, vivid cinematography, great dialogue, lots of humor, soundtrack was nice, story exciting.
