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The Bonesetter

The Bonesetter (2003)

July. 15,2003
| Horror Thriller

One hundred years ago, an evil bonesetter was killed for his crimes against children. Now in the present a single mother and a shy librarian must discover who is behind a rash of child abductions, is the Bonesetter back to finish his depraved work?


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the audience applauded


Highly Overrated But Still Good


Good concept, poorly executed.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


The first thing I have to get off my chest is the fact that this is one the Splatter Rampage part of Tempe Video. Usually, the category should involve savage blood spilling. Midnight Skater went overboard, Mulva and Filthy McNasty yes yes, but this has to be the most bloodless of the pile seeing that maybe it's a 1 out of 10 on the gore-o-meter.A very ambitious project with a few flaws. I'll get to that in a bit.The Bonesetter, a century old practitioner of bones. You needed adjustment or a set back, then the Bonesetter was the man until a bad rap began his illustrious career of slaughtering the weak. Now in present time, he has somehow found his way back to the land of the living to find what he was set out to do before his untimely death. Kill, kill, kill. Children become missing and for some strange reason, the evidence points to the Bonesetter's patterns which are being studied out by the local book worm who gets pushed around. Which in turn meets a woman who had her child kidnapped who happened to be looking for the book on him the legend also. Small world isn't it? The 2 hook up, smash ideas of each other and make things happen. More children go missing and the closer they get, the deadlier the game becomes. A cat and mouse if you will. The deeper the story gets, the more action takes place. Reminds me of a C.S.I. Episode other than a straight out horror flick. Not to dis, just a mere opinion on the story and style. It has it's potential but doesn't quite deliver the full punch. The kills don't live up to the Splatter Rampage credential, a sheer miss of interpretation.All in all, still not a bad feature but if brought to a 45 minute short than probably a hell of a wallop this would give.


Words cannot begin to describe how blandly terrible this movie is. I wish it were "so bad it's good," but it's not. It's just dull, lifeless, and boring. It's so bad I couldn't even laugh at it.In response to other posters, Anne-Marie Frigon is not the highlight of the movie. The only person less charismatic is the director Brett Kelly, who as a true statement on vanity, cast himself as the male lead. They both look like inbreeds, sister and brother.The gal, Sherry Thurig, is a looker. The complete opposite of Anne-Marie - attractive. This girl is tall and willowy, and can act. Although you can tell she's holding back.All the actors seem to be holding back, especially the supporting male, Mark. I've seen less wood in a rain forest, but he's still better than Kelly. Why would Kelly keep his actors from acting? Is he really that bad a director? Everyone else has summed the story up perfectly - there isn't one. Kids are kidnapped and Kelly steps in poo to solve the crime. I know how he felt stepping in the poo, it's how I felt after watching his movie.Yes, I tried to get my money back from the rental store. This is a home movie best left to be seen by the friends of the director (and if you search them out, you'll see those same friends were the one who gave the movie positive marks).


Firstly let me "come clean" admit that I was in the film, as an extra.That being said the film itself is a good story, well told on a very small budget. This of course somewhat effects the look and feel of the movie but in my opinion does not detract from the story or acting.Anne-Marie Frigon simply steals the screen whenever she appears. She gets the best "one liners" and makes the most of them. Other actors, including Sherry Thurig, do not have extensive experience in front of a camera but it doesn't stop them from giving good performances.The attempt at a creepy atmosphere is evident and with some allowance for the lack of computer aided and expensive special effects we have become used to, the movie pulls it off.Watching it being made I came to appreciate the talents of all involved and look forward to more work from this collection of mostly local talent.


I worked on this movie and it was a real pleasure. The movie turned out to be very atmospheric and moody. it favors acting and story over blood and guts. The mood is dark but there is a good balance of humour in the movie as well. Brett Kelly is a good actor and a good storyteller. Hopefully the indie horror audience who may be be used to sub par stories will appreciate this gem. Despite what has previously been written, the lighting in this movie is actually quite good as is the cinematography. The DVD also features many excellent features such as commentary from the director and actress Anne-Marie Frigon (who shines in every scene she is in) as well as bloopers, outtakes, auditions, camera tests and more. Its really very cool. good job to everyone involved in this movie. Well done
