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Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove

Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005)

October. 04,2005
| Horror Science Fiction

Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!


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Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


Save your money for something good and enjoyable


Don't listen to the negative reviews

Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.


*Spoiler/plot- 2005, Rather mad scientist movie. Near an isolated Californian beach, in a laboratory of horror, three renegade scientists have resurrected Frankenstein's long dead monster. The legendary indestructible corpse comes back to life again. At the same time, these scientists have biogenetically engineered a half-man half-fish abomination intending to use both brutes as weapons against worldwide terrorism. However, disaster strikes when the chemical brainwashing used to control these beasts fails. Instead of stopping terror these beings create terror in the beach community. The terror starts when the fish beast kills a gorgeous model while shooting a glamorous photo shoot. The scientists take the photo crew hostage. These crew survivors must find a way to escape both their mad captors and the rampaging monsters and warn the world of this danger spreading.*Special Stars- Larry Butler, Bill Winkler, Dezzi Ascalon, Cory J. Marshal, Gary Canavello, Alison Lees-Taylor, and Lawrence Furbish. Dir: William Winckler.*Theme- Scientists are always causing problems in society.*Based on- Frankenstein myths and 50's Drive-in movie genres.*Trivia/location/goofs- Shot entirely in black and white in Southern California. There is some superfluous female nudity and mediocre bloody violence at the beach. Look for the obvious cheap 'stock shots' from local aquariums to supply the underwater ocean scenes. This film is a weak attempt to reproduce a loving tribute to those classic horror and atomic age monster movies from the classic drive-in movie era.*Emotion- A somewhat forgettable film from a small independent Southern California producer with his wife and his group of industry friends that supply all the writing, acting, makeup, and just about everything else needed for this film to be made. However novel this approach is to filmmaking, unfortunately the film fails in its pacing, direction, action scenes and believability. This means the film suffers and causes a premature demise of viewer's attention for this film's audience. I found myself fast-forwarding through this video to possibly get to better scenes. There were not any and that is death for a scifi video of any sort. This is a shame to see.

Kurt McCoy (SheliakBob)

When I was a kid it always used to bother me that the Creature from the Black Lagoon was listed among the Classic Universal Monsters, but never encountered any of the others. My favorite Universals were always the "monster rallies", such as "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman" and I've had a terrible hunger for more such films, but sadly there just weren't any more to be had.As an adult, I've always wanted to see "Retro-Horror" films, films in the style of the Classics I loved."Frankenstein vs the Creature from Blood Cove" is a Monster Rally in the grand old sense. FINALLY I get to see a "Creature" interacting with another classic monster. This is as close to "Frankenstein vs the Creature from the Black Lagoon" as we will ever get to see. It's not just a fun film, it is the realization of a dream I've had since I was a kid. And it is proof that "Retro-Horror" CAN be done and that there is a market for it.FvtCfBC features not just the two lead monsters, but also has a Werewolf, a Bride of Frankenstein, the ghost of Dr. Frankenstein and more--all in designs that are spectacular, given the limitations of the film's budget! "Frankenstein vs the Creature from Blood Cove" may not please some of the stuffier fans of the classics that inspired it, but nevertheless it is a great fun romp of a movie, made with a profound love of those classics and with a wee bit of spice for the modern audience. In that regard, it has a lot in common with the AIP b&w classics of the '60's. It's sort of Frankenstein meets the Creature on Del Tenney's beach. Sort of.Destined to be a Cult Classic!


I have one positive thing to say about this film: the black-and-white cinematography was excellent! Too bad that's the only good thing I can say about the film. Dumb plot, wild over-acting, offensive gay character, rubbery monsters, and that's just the beginning. The movie doesn't know what it wants to be: horror film or camp comedy. It succeeds at neither and fails at both.Which is unfortunate. The enthusiasm seems to be there, but while it is a slick-looking film, it's Grade-Z roots scream louder than the stereotypical gay character (why is he even there?).Also, since it seems to be playing on the concept of the Universal monsters, this might lure small children into watching, and it is definitely an R-rated flick, with lots of topless women posing and touching themselves in the water, which seems to be the real reason for this film's existence. And the ending is just dumb. Why make the ghost of the doctor more powerful than the ghosts of the monsters? Is the director in love with that character? I'm a fan of the old Universal classics, and this is not an homage, it's an insult.

Chad Byers

I really enjoyed Frankenstein vs. the Creature From Blood Cove! It was just what I wanted it to be, a very fun, good natured ride.I grew up watching the Universal Horror classics as well as the great AIP and Hammer flicks...along with a huge amount of Grade Z films and I could tell watching this film that the makers had just as much affection and love for those films as I did. Unlike Lost Skeleton of Cavdavera (which I did like, though IMO it kind of wore it's one joke out pretty early) "Frankenstein..." isn't meant to be a comedy parody of the old classic horror films. Nor is it strictly an homage. I mean, you just can't make a movie like that anymore. What it is, is just a good time, with grave digging, werewolves (Butch Patrick!) mad scientists (including a lovely blond one with a British accent...you don't get better than that,) the Frankenstein monster, ghosts and a Creature from the Black Lagoon-ish monster. And it's all handled in such a fun way that I couldn't help but be entertained. And hey, I'm an adult, and I've got no problem with the R-rated take on the film. To me, it just adds to the fun and enjoyment. The nudity, etc is handled in the same fun/good natured way as the rest of the film. It comes across as anything but sleazy.So if you're looking for a fun movie with monsters, silliness, beautiful girls and some of their beautiful assets, and you'd always thought it would be kinda cool if the Frankenstein Monster and the Gillman could've been in the same movie together, I think you'll have a good time with this film. Don't go into it expecting "Lost Skeleton" or a die-hard facsimile of one of Universal's monster-mash films cause it is definitely not that. But it is a blast.
