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Greed (2006)

July. 23,2006
| Horror Action Thriller

Raven (Darlena Tejeiro) and Ashley (Andrea Bogart), two young women returning from a rock-climbing expedition, find themselves harassed by a group of bikers at a dusty bar in the desert. With surprise and guile on their side, the girls escape by stealing the leader's bike. Within minutes the furious biker gang is in hot pursuit through the hazardous terrain. Believing they have evaded the bikers, the girls discover a satchel of cash on their damaged bike and stumble across the desert to a small motel. The owner, Ned (Joe Goodrich), has agreed to drive them into town when suddenly the bikers appear, and they're looking for payback and the money.


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That was an excellent one.


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.


Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


It is a story of an ax murderer that escaped from death row. That is why it says Axe on the DVD cover. I guess that wasn't good enough when it was released in 2004, so they renamed it and brought it out again in 2006 as a story of greedy people after $300,000.POSSIBLE SPOILER: Everyone, and I do mean everyone, in the movie is after the money.This coulda been a contenda. I spent the entire movie watching Darlena Tejeiro. I was absolutely enchanted with this beauty. She was a rock climber, but the best mountains in the movie remained covered in clouds, and we never saw the peaks. What a shame! But, I do have to say that she was the best actor in the movie. That doesn't mean I will watch Starsky & Hutch to see her again, but she was good.The actual ax murders were pretty lame. This could have easily been a PG movie. More thriller than horror.


You can find this in a bargain bin as AXE on DVD, like I did, for $3 or so, and it's not a bad buy. It's a quasi-horror film with action sequences, and a rather interesting plot with a lot of twists and turns. Enough to keep you guessing, sort of, and a few pretty good shock moments. Some really decent acting and some just ordinary, but nothing terrible, and you won't finish it by being bored for sure. The maniacal axe murderer is not developed as well as I'd like, probably due to so many other plot contrivances that left little time. Some fairly unbelievable resurrections, but nothing less than any other slasher film has had. The killer is pretty scary, but would have been better with a little more mania, and a little less visibility. There's not really anyone here who is wholesome, just varying degrees of corruption, which makes this like one of those quirky noir-style films of recent times.

Linda Cole

I am not a big fan of horror films. This one is really different. It is a very campy approach to the horror genre. It is really more of an action film. I enjoyed the action, which was a lot of fun. I found the character to be very campy, and it seems like the director really had fun with it. It is not that gory. It seems like it is more suggestive in nature. I love Jason London. He plays a really different character here. Ned was my favorite character, and I also enjoyed the relationship between the two female leads. It reminds me of the old Roger Corman films, campy and a bit over the top. The story can not be taken too seriously, but what action/horror movie can be taken seriously...I had a great time watching it with my girlfriends...one of them is a climber too, so we had to listen to her and HER achievements after we watched the tape....that was a bit less fun, but still entertaining... Linda


Now this is a seriously decent thriller with a vicious, relentless bad guy:a sort of homicidal Energiser Bunny who weighs 280 pounds and whose brain has long since died. There is great deal of ax-work and lots of tension. Jessica Biel had a way of filling blue jeans in Texas Chainsaw Massacre and now please welcome slender, blonde Andrea Bogart whose nether cheeks are tightly packaged in a pair of size 0 low-rise snuggies and, in a couple of motel scenes, a pair of tight boy-shorts. In a supporting role, Fiona Loewi is extremely hot and shamefully underused even though she does bring the curtain down. Well worth buying or renting. Exciting and well-acted.
