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Starship (1984)

April. 04,1987
| Science Fiction

Jowitt, a mercenary without recluse institutes a totalitarian regime in a small mining city of an arid planet, Ordessa, helped in that by androids incapable of any emotion. The young Lorca and his android professor, Kid, are both in this tended situation. To find the liberty, they must at any costs seize a spaceship, the "Red Star", but they quickly have to face an android killer...


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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


This is the third movie I have rented tonight with the word 'Star' in it. However, it isn't 'Star Wars', 'Star Trek', 'The Last STARfighter', or even 'Star Kid.' This movie was made 'down under' and we can expect no less from foreign movies. Like 'Star Crash' before it and 'Star Knight', we have a movie that wants to be so many things we Americans made but simply could not do. And, like everything else, it comes out so dirty it should be condemned in the laundry pile to be burned completely. I'm sorry, folks, this sucked hard.The back of the box mentioned and stole a few words from the Star Wars common terminology and compared itself to the likes of Blade Runner, which wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. The 'droids' here are simply people with jumpsuits, aluminum guns and creepy Chinese/Buddhist masks - and more often than not, these are midgets. With someone whose name is 'Deep Roy', which is really downright hilarious (especially the name typo - Kid? Grid? Fail.), this is pretty bad. The 'storm troopers' are all poorly designs animatronics which look like something a child did for a science project out of whatever was in a junkyard.The music goes on to copy, blatantly, the same motifs as Last Starfighter - and blatantly rips most of Luke's battles in Tattooine from the first movie. The villain even looks like Darth Vader! Gah, originality must be pretty hard to find, is it? Jesus Christ on a stick.None of the movies I have seen so far are recommended. It's a proved fact you'll ignore most of them for private time on the computer or with a loved one rather than pay attention.


Yow, I remember this movie when it came out in the 80's. There I was, with a bunch of friends, I was about 15, popcorn in hand, expecting to see a great sci-fi movie at the theater.We were all disappointed. The plot was totally unoriginal, the b-grade acting & the special effects were a let down. The masks they used for the bots were ugly, and the ship designs were bad. 18 years later, they stick in my head like a bad, umm, movie.The whole underground resistance idea could have worked if they put more idea and thought into the story line and had somewhat of an interesting dialogue, but there is none worth remembering. To be fair, the movie is probably better then some of the garbage that we see today that passes as sci-fi, but that's not saying much.3 out of 10


STARSHIP is touted in the tagline as a "warp speed adventure". Instead of being anything like an adventure this film throws great visuals at the audience and absolutely no story. STARSHIP is weird and disappointing, and not worth viewing or effort it takes to thrust it in a VHS deck.


When I first saw Starship, I was actually pretty impressed. Sure it's kinda dim and has badly cliche'd characters, but I thought the direction and general style of the film lended itself well to the subject matter. It's fun in a cheezy sort of way, and even vaguely artistic to a certain extent. Where things really go wrong is the inclusion of Deep Roy as "Digit"...the robot companion. Oddly enough, most version of this film have mysteriously dubbed over Digits name and changed it to "Grid." Considering it's low budget, Starship comes off as a more entertaining sci-fi style film than alot of higher budget, straight-to-video drek. Just don't take it too seriously.
