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Carman: The Champion

Carman: The Champion (2001)

March. 02,2001
| Drama Action

Former champion boxer Orlando Leone (Carmen) is "The Preacher" at an inner-city youth center. Wanting to give something back to the community, he bought a large building for a church youth center. But the cash ran out before he could finish fixing it up and now, the mortgage company is about to foreclose. With his bills mounting he agrees to one last fight.


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Best movie ever!


Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


Pretty bad. Originality is lacking, as Carman lives out the fantasy of being another Rocky wannabe (a very noble, God-inspired goal, to be sure). Viewers will wonder if the movie's sole purpose is to build Carman's fame. Regarding the movie's spirituality, it's almost nonexistent. There is no presentation of Jesus Christ and how he can forgive sins. Instead, we see Carman's character eyeing a woman up and down, contrary to Christ's teaching that whoever looks at a woman to look at her lustfully has already committed adultery with her. Carman's character then gets involved with her romantically, when she's not a committed Christian. She's disillusioned with the church and Christianity. She might be a Satan worshipper, for all we know. And because of this, Christians should be concerned with the example portrayed by Carman in this movie. Rather than being concerned about her soul and leading her back to God, Carman's character just focuses on his own sexual drive and simply pursues a romantic relationship with her. So what's different about Carman's portrayal of this relationship, and the world's immoral approach to relationships? One wonders if Carman is living out a sexual/romantic fantasy by starring in this movie, as he gets to make out with a babe actress on the excuse of 'acting'. After the movie, you're left there asking what the point of the whole film was. If it was intended to be a moral message, what was that message? Can't quite put my thumb on it. Too bad so many people are giving this film good reviews - it shows that 'Christians' today have completely lost sight of the words of Jesus Christ, which are supposed to be the basis of our faith. The great apostacy (turning away from truth) has begun, and that can be clearly seen by this film's plot. The film's writers had every opportunity to shine Jesus on, but instead this film's purpose is to shine Carman on, and make Carman's name great. It surely doesn't make Jesus' name resound in the earth.


Mild spoilers below:With all the junk coming out of Hollywood for years, it's nice to come across a good film. It may not have academy award level acting, but it is nonetheless well done and satisfying.The plot is fairly compelling, with a few interesting turns, and the action is good, especially the fight scene. The nearly hopeless vise that the inner city clamps around people is graphically depicted. The love interest is excellent.Some of the plot/character turns could have been more clearly delineated. For instance, Carman's tactic to upset a fight fix almost slips by unnoticeably. And his brother's turn for the good raises more questions that it answers.Still, it was very enjoyable, and affirmed good values. As someone mentioned, the Gospel isn't front and center in this movie, despite Carman playing a pastor. But it doesn't alway have to be for an art work to be worthwhile.Good job to all involved. This movie is available as a free download at TBN.com.Paul


This was a wonderful film, I was completely surprised on how well it was done. The story was very good, and the action scenes were much more realistic that those of the "Rocky" series. The film contained some scenes that were a little intense but it fits the real world. Wonderful job!I want to see it again, and also get the film on video.


The Champion is a great date movie, even 1st date. The fight for former champion Orlando Leone, Jr, opens up so many great conversation topics for you and your possible new love. Example: the fight to remain true to your identity, the desire to find love after being burned and abandoned, the struggle to believe love is possible (and whats it gonna cost and can I afford her), the struggle to define your identity vs. your fathers dreams...I know it's a "guy movie" by all the adrenaline rush of the fight scenes; any guy will love this, and as for the ladies, they'll admire how the leading lady's criteria for love goes beyond the usual commercial movies' stereotypical EASY LOUISY. The competitive, complicated relationship of the brothers, their beautiful reunion, and the human struggle to find happiness after the world lands you in the humbling role of "has-been" are two other topics movie brings up, great 2 define what'
