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Season 1

Faten Amal Harby Season 1

April. 02,2022
| Drama

As Faten, a woman who works at the real estate registry, decides to ask for a divorce from her husband Seif, she finds herself facing many hardships and obstacles; raising two daughters on her own and finding out that the odds are stacked against her when it comes to the law.


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Faten Amal Harby Season 1 Full Episode Guide

Episode 30 - Episode 30
First Aired: May. 01,2022

Episode 29 - Episode 29
First Aired: April. 30,2022

Episode 28 - Episode 28
First Aired: April. 29,2022

Episode 27 - Episode 27
First Aired: April. 28,2022

Episode 26 - Episode 26
First Aired: April. 27,2022

Episode 25 - Episode 25
First Aired: April. 26,2022

Episode 24 - Episode 24
First Aired: April. 25,2022

Episode 23 - Episode 23
First Aired: April. 24,2022

Episode 22 - Episode 22
First Aired: April. 23,2022

Episode 21 - Episode 21
First Aired: April. 22,2022

Episode 20 - Episode 20
First Aired: April. 21,2022

Episode 19 - Episode 19
First Aired: April. 20,2022

Episode 18 - Episode 18
First Aired: April. 19,2022

Episode 17 - Episode 17
First Aired: April. 18,2022

Episode 16 - Episode 16
First Aired: April. 17,2022

Episode 15 - Episode 15
First Aired: April. 16,2022

Episode 14 - Episode 14
First Aired: April. 15,2022

Episode 13 - Episode 13
First Aired: April. 14,2022

Episode 12 - Episode 12
First Aired: April. 13,2022

Episode 11 - Episode 11
First Aired: April. 12,2022

Episode 10 - Episode 10
First Aired: April. 11,2022

Episode 9 - Episode 9
First Aired: April. 10,2022

Episode 8 - Episode 8
First Aired: April. 09,2022

Faten tries to figure out what to do with the bag of money as Yahya paves the way for her to meet a powerful Sheikh, but the encounter spirals out of control.

Episode 7 - Episode 7
First Aired: April. 08,2022

Faten goes to extreme lengths to settle with Saif on their daughters’ education, and later follows up with Sheikh Yahya on the Fatwa she requested.

Episode 6 - Episode 6
First Aired: April. 07,2022

Following her outburst in court, Faten gets the support she needs to deal with the consequences and take her grieving up to the Constitutional Court.

Episode 5 - Episode 5
First Aired: April. 06,2022

Saif lashes out when he hears about Salama’s marriage proposal to Faten. Frustrated with the absurdity of the personal status law, Faten makes a scene in court.

Episode 4 - Episode 4
First Aired: April. 05,2022

In preparation for a legal battle over the custody of her daughters, Faten resorts to a women’s shelter as Saif turns the heat up on her to get her back.

Episode 3 - Episode 3
First Aired: April. 04,2022

Finding herself on the street, Faten tries to rent a hotel room, but her mission turns out harder than expected. Later, she takes a bold measure against Saif.

Episode 2 - Episode 2
First Aired: April. 03,2022

Faten takes a new hit when she walks into an empty apartment. Later, she finds herself in deep trouble as she faces Saif, who is hellbent on breaking her.

Episode 1 - Episode 1
First Aired: April. 02,2022

Fed up with her husband’s abusive behavior, Faten gets a divorce and throws a party afterwards, provoking her ex to retaliate.
