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Season 1

Lost Beasts Season 1

July. 01,2023
| Documentary

Archaeological digs shed light on the extinct beasts of old, from the Tyrannosaurus Rex to the Tasmanian tiger, saber-toothed tiger, and the woolly mammoth, and look at the legends and myths surrounding them.


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Lost Beasts Season 1 Full Episode Guide

Episode 6 - Secrets of the Giant Mammoths
First Aired: July. 08,2023

Archaeological evidence may explain why mammoths suddenly disappeared from the steppe landscapes of the northern hemisphere.

Episode 5 - Secrets of the Killer Mega Shark
First Aired: July. 01,2023

Examines the megalodon, a gigantic shark that could reach a length of 16 to 20 meters. Since these majestic giants went extinct at least 2.6 million years ago, there are few remains for scientists to study.

Episode 4 - Secrets of the Terror Whale
First Aired: July. 01,2023

A unique archaeological site in Egypt may help solve the mystery of how prehistoric land mammals evolved into superior sea predators.

Episode 3 - Secrets of the Sabre-Toothed Tiger
First Aired: July. 01,2023

Excavations in Los Angeles' La Brea Tar Pits, pits filled with natural asphalt, could help unravel the mystery of how the sabre-toothed tiger hunted its prey.

Episode 2 - Secrets of the Tasmanian Tiger
First Aired: July. 01,2023

Tasmanian tigers, also known as thylacines, lived in Australia for a long time. Their population suddenly fell sharply in the 1920s, leading to their extinction. The last known animal died in September 1936 in a zoo in Tasmania.

Episode 1 - Secrets of the Deadly T-Rex
First Aired: July. 01,2023

At a dig site in America, paleontologists want to find out how the Tyrannosaurus Rex became the king of the mighty primeval lizards.
