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Season 3

Neighbourhood Blues Season 3

November. 11,2013
| Crime Documentary Reality

Documentary series following the work of groundbreaking police teams as they confront the problems of troubled communities.


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Neighbourhood Blues Season 3 Full Episode Guide

Episode 10 - Episode 10
First Aired: November. 22,2013

Documentary series. Police in Humberside prepare for a surprise visit to a cannabis farm, and further south the UK Border Agency searches businesses for illegal immigrants.

Episode 9 - Episode 9
First Aired: November. 21,2013

Documentary series. The neighbourhood police in Hull chase after a drink driver who is fleeing the wreckage of his van; it takes two female community support officers to stop him.

Episode 8 - Episode 8
First Aired: November. 20,2013

Documentary series. Policing Britain's town and city centres is particularly demanding after dark. Humberside Police are now getting on top of the problem.

Episode 7 - Episode 7
First Aired: November. 19,2013

Documentary series. PC Nikki Cammiss, a neighbourhood officer who is taser trained, is called into action to hunt down a man suspected of attacking someone with a knife.

Episode 6 - Episode 6
First Aired: November. 18,2013

Documentary series. In Bridlington, a dog is suspected of being a banned fighting dog and there is a major operation to safely seize the potentially dangerous animal.

Episode 5 - Episode 5
First Aired: November. 15,2013

Documentary series. The neighbourhood police are called to the home of an alcoholic man in East Yorkshire whose next-door neighbours have complained about drug-fuelled parties.

Episode 4 - Episode 4
First Aired: November. 14,2013

Documentary series. Neighbourhood officers in Hull face a game of cat and mouse as they try their best to keep horse and cart enthusiasts from drinking too much.

Episode 3 - Episode 3
First Aired: November. 13,2013

Documentary series looking at the grassroots fight against crime. PCSO Karen encounters a woman she suspects has been shoplifting, but the situation soon turns dangerous.

Episode 2 - Episode 2
First Aired: November. 12,2013

Documentary series looking at the grassroots fight against crime. A troubled teenager causes a massive headache for a family in north Hull with her aggressive behaviour.

Episode 1 - Episode 1
First Aired: November. 11,2013

Documentary series looking at the grassroots fight against crime. Officers are called in to investigate a suspicious car crash in a remote wildlife park by the Yorkshire coast.
