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Rampage: Capital Punishment

Rampage: Capital Punishment (2014)

August. 19,2014
| Action Thriller Crime

A man takes over a TV station and holds a number of hostages as a political platform to awaken humanity, instead of money.


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The first one was a huge surprise since it was actually a very watchable movie from a director such as Uwe Boll. It was a fantasy movie for nihilistic shut ins that confine themselves to their rooms while hating on people that gets ahead in life. This one takes on a more anarchy approach with the main character trying to take down the system. And this time around I can understand if some people would be on board with the main character committing massacres. Mainly audiences that hate the rich and the privilege that takes the system into their own hands. By manipulation and taking advantage of people that are less fortunate, the people that keep taking and thinks that they are above the law. Mainly because they can get away from punishment because they have money and connections. This is a nihilistic political message with a lot of violence in it, with the lead character trying to take down the system. The guy is a person if "The Purge" really did happen, he will try to take down as many rich and political figures as possible. He is the more psychotic version of the villain in "Kingsman". Agree with it or not, it does share some interesting points. This is a very cynical, skeptical, bleak and crude film. It's like "Assault on Wall Street" except there is more tension and it's way more crude and skeptical over the motives of others. The killer sort of reminded me of a less charismatic version of the Joker from the comic books. Except the dude is more of a hypocrite, actually he is like the ultimate hypocrite. He is a guy trying to push people to their limits and bring out their true colors. But if someone pushed this psycho to the limits, he is going to be the ultimate coward. The real tension comes from if the guy will snap or not depending on the situation. While the first one had more of the Rampage stuff going down with the mayhem and all, I found the discussions and interactions to be more engaging. Which is a good thing, because with it's budget this was the better approach. 7.5/10


Uwe Boll returns to make a sequel to the 2009 movie Rampage which I thought was pretty ace.Brendan Fletcher is as if made for the character he's playing, incredibly convincing as the intelligent sociopathic mass-murderer that we hate to love, his intensity never lets go of the screen and you really believe that he means every word he says.There are a couple things that I'm not sure was the right thing to do which are: having so many flashbacks from the first film, it's just something I don't like to see in a sequel, if you didn't see the first one then tough luck and a lot of it wasn't really necessary either.But I've seen worse examples of flashback-scenes in other movies, at least they were all fairly short.And Uwe Boll decides to cast himself as a movie-producer which is a bit questionable considering that he's not that great of an actor exactly.The dialogue is a little stronger in this one, I know that in the first one most of the dialogue was improvised (which worked better than you might think) but I think in this one most of the dialogue if not all is pre-written if it isn't they did a fantastic job, either way the dialogue is good and makes you think.But overall it was fairly enjoyable, I would rate it a 6.5/10 rounded up to a 7; pretty good but not amazing, however if you liked the first one of course you should watch this as well.


I love Ewe Boll's films, and you can add this one to the list of "must watches" if you are a fan of them. But please make sure to watch "Rampage" first, for it will set the mind set of this beauty, and both of them are total beauties! I don't see this as a propaganda film, only because I am from Canada and have no means of attaining such weaponry and armor as seem in the film both 1 and 2. However my neighbours to the south if you can believe and somehow put into practice the ideal and practices in this film then all the power to ya, ide join you but it just wouldn't fly up here in the north.Anyways an amazing film and I hope Ben Williamson can muster up another mastermind operation for the masses. I believe in Ewe!! Cheers

Lehmanbrother123456 .

First of all whoever watched the first movie and this, you can clearly see that whoever directed this just came up with different plot of this guy "fighting for truth" just to continue this crappy sequel. Everything is just horrible in this movie, i understand its a movie but comon...Person who shoot out randomly several dozen of people including cops, he would be marked as domestic terrorist, authority would be all over that guy there would be no way for him to even show up on the street without being shot at. Then there is the message, OK government is corrupt and world is messed up, what a "big news". I don't even want to go there as I already typed enough for this crap. Lol just wanted to say at the end he sits and freely drinks his coffee or whatever and no one recognizes him, then kid passes and he gives a gun with some dumb message of changing the world. This movie is for imbeciles? Certainly looks like it, I want my time that I wasted of my life back.
