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The Assassination of Richard Nixon

The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004)

May. 17,2004
| Drama History Thriller

It’s 1974 and Sam Bicke has lost everything. His wife leaves him with his three kids, his boss fires him, his brother turns away from him, and the bank won’t give him any money to start anew. He tries to find someone to blame for his misfortunes and comes up with the President of the United States who he plans to murder.


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Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


Seriously, this is one of Sean Penn's best movies out there, he did a really good job in playing as Nixon's failed assassinator Sam Byck. It does show how he was such a really down to earth guy who had a really hard time from failing to trying to establish his own business to fix his marriage. It was too bad that he wanted so badly to kill Richard Nixon since he definitely was angry at him for nearly ruining his life. Nixon of course, only cared about Nixon and yes he was a crook. The Watergate scandal must have really p*ssed his pants which was good enough for him! You know during this movie, I always wondered did he actually kill the family dog in order to seek revenge for his ex wife? It seems to me he could've but it didn't say on his wiki page that he did that act. Really interesting movie, I give this 8/10 for Sean Penn's performance!


It's 1972. Sam Bicke (Sean Penn) is a disturbed man who feels disconnected from the world. He has been kicked out of his home by his wife Marie Andersen Bicke (Naomi Watts). His friend Bonny Simmons (Don Cheadleis) works at a garage. He's bad at his job as a furniture salesman. As his world spirals out of control, he fixates on a plan to hijack a plane, and kill President Richard Nixon.Sure it's a big time performance by Sean Penn as the incompetent delusional loser. But it's just unrelenting how ridiculously pathetic Sam Bicke becomes. It grinds you down as he loses all connection to reality. The pace is a slow meditative walk through his crumbling world. It just doesn't have the energy of Sean Penn's more iconic loser role Travis Bickle in 'Taxi Driver'.


One more time, I have watched a movie, a great one that so underrated that it makes me sick.This movie is so good. It reminds of Taxi Driver, but I do prefer this one although the other one was great), because I think here we have a very close look to what can make an honest, decent man go wild. Then you understand what the system do to the people, and although I completely disagree with Sam Bicke's attitude, I can understand why he did it. I we can see the human being behind it, maybe a regular person can become mad if everything turns against him.Sean Penn is acting was no less than awesome! I got surprised and disappointed how could him not be nominated for almost anything! What happens with the guys of the Critic Board, Academy, Golden Globe or similar retarded people. We have here a masterpiece, a great achievement. Penn just gave another brilliant performance, and you didn't give a damn. Shame on you. One of Penn's best!This movie is very great and I truly recommend it!


The movie is losing popularity for exactly the same reason that I cannot sell books published in the 1990s and not sold any. It is not new and hot and full of current stars. That does not mean that it is no longer the same movie, it means that the attention span of the average viewer, like the inability to read of the average student, is fading away under our system of non-education. We mentored a young man out of here to graduate school. And his headmaster wanted him put out of school when he was in junior high school because the new way is not what I learned by; staying in school was considered to be important. Now we make children prep for the tests created by Neil Bush, who was doing poorly before his brother got into office. And how did George W. Bush become President? By lies. Not that he's the first, most of our leaders have lied to us.I call Sean Penn a hero because he is a fine actor who also cares enough about people to take his own boat down to New Orleans when the levees burst, the same levees that have not been fixed at all, so it will happen again. The police, or possibly the mercenaries we've hired at top dollar because we do not have many police, the National Guard is being used as soldiers, and we lack troops to fight our endless wars, turned him away at the border. He sneaked back in and rescued some people anyway. I admire him a whole lot.We refused aid from Cuba (I cannot imagine how they could even give us aid after what we've done to their economy since the boycott began), Venezuela, (which has oil money) because we didn't like Chavez (because we did not choose him, and you can't be a leader if we don't choose you), so we called his election illegal.His election was legal, it has been our elections that have been illegal, particularly the selection of Bush by his Republican Supreme Court (put in place by his father). A professor at Harvard Business School wrote a book saying that Bush would come in without his homework (because he is probably dyslexic, Barbara Bush told us that when Bush the First was President, though she did not say which son), and claim that the materials he needed at the library were not there. The professor checked the library. The materials were there and available. Bush is an alcoholic and a cocaine user who thought it was funny to use cocaine at his parents' vacation house in Kennebunkport, ME.The fact is, neither Bush the first or the second is from Texas, they are from Connecticut. Bush cheated his way into office, committed countless war crimes and is currently rolling around in the money he was given for all the bad decisions he made (or more likely that Cheney forced on him).And back to President Nixon--he should have gone to prison, but Ford was bribed to pardon him. Does anyone remember any of this? Reagan got a full state burial, when he should have died in prison for war crimes, and we have the nerve to have run a little trial after WWII called Nuremberg. We punished the Germans thoroughly, dropped atom bombs on Japan, and Nixon had a little thing called "The Side Show"--bombing and killing innocent Cambodians while pretending to end the war in Vietnam (a promise that got him elected). His actions softened the public so that Pol Pot could come down from the mountains and kill everyone who wore glasses--because that meant that they were intelligent.The movie is great, and anyone with an interest in world leaders should watch it.
