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War Machine

War Machine (2017)

May. 26,2017
| Drama Comedy War

A rock star general bent on winning the “impossible” war in Afghanistan takes us inside the complex machinery of modern war. Inspired by the true story of General Stanley McChrystal.


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Some things I liked some I did not.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.


True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


There is a delicate line between satire and demonstrating a brutal statement about a pointless war.All I know is, not once did I ever think 'This is Brad Pitt' that USUALLY only happens with Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino...McMahon really sums up some blind optimism - this movie had me reminding myself underneath any uniform, is a human being. Period.No temporary political ideology can rob us of our humanity that came down polished for hundreds of thousands of years - not some 300 year half baked end of day it's corporatism ANYHOO political ideology.The only thing missing from this - that could have made it a 10 would have been presence of Enron.For Enron played a great part in US occupation of Iraq. All goes back to Sugarland Texas when the Taleban was invited by now Chevron - if they were going to be a problem with the Enron planned Turkmenistan natural gas pipeline.Looks like they said they would be- and they did.Enron also just 'happened' to be the #1 campaign contributor to the Bush and Cheney 2000 campaign.Twelve Monkeys was a fun role for Brad Pitt no doubt but I think this is his best performance to date. Me? I would have liked see an Oscar for Pitt on this one.This movie can be watched many many times for some precious scenes.'Ya see - it's like raising a child - you need two parents''Woodward ? OH NO ''Steps to freedom - you familiar with the moon landing? 'I do so wonder how this movie might have come across had it been released in 2004. Let's all hope there won't need to be a sequel, but the way things are going in Afghanistan - there might need to be a sequel to this movie. Ugh


Very retrospective. Tells it like it is. Good ol USAs good intentions not always taken very well.


I can see what this film is trying to do, its trying to be the war version of martin scorsese films like Wolf of wall street or Goodfellas in its narrative style but stops woefully short of that. The charecters are not beliveable and its seems the film makers are trying to make a political point but totaly skipping any historical facts.It seems the post production didnt do much research and had not much knowledge of the afgan war. For example there is one seen when nato generals are have a meeting about the general situation of the afgan war, one british general recommends leaving helmand province as its a lost cause, This just simply didnt happen in fact it was both the US and UK forces agreed on expanding in the area with more US troops being stationed in Helmand. A satire should most importantly be based on some sort of fact when it comes to a historical advent other wise its just pretentious nonsense, which is what this film is.


With such a great cast, I expected a great movie. Well, have I been wrong.The movie concept was unique, that's for sure. Following a general during operations in Afghanistan could make for a great movie, if properly performed. Unfortunately, War Machine failed to do so. Little to no emotion was used. Every single one of the characters had a very, very curious personality, turning the movie into a freak show right away. At the 5-minute mark I assumed the movie to be a comedy. Yet, after not seeing a single comical seen for thirty minutes, I was confused as to what the purpose of the movie was. For a movie about a war, there was little to no action. General McMaho is portrayed as a quirky, freaky type of person, while at the same time acting as a true hero. It was obvious that the director wanted the viewer to have some mixed feelings, but what he got are confused ones.In short| A waste of budget, of talent and of my time.
