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Proof of Life

Proof of Life (2000)

December. 08,2000
| Drama Thriller

Alice hires a professional negotiator to obtain the release of her engineer husband, who has been kidnapped by anti-government guerrillas in South America.


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Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.


South American rebels kidnap Peter Bowman (David Morse), a US engineer who works for an oil company. The company calls in negotiator Terry Thorne (Russell Crowe). When the oil company abandons them, Bowman's wife Alice (Meg Ryan) begs Terry to stay.First we must address the Russell Crowe - Meg Ryan real life romance. It definitely muddied the movie's reception. But it's eerie how the movie mirrors real life. David Morse plays the husband a little bit too unlikeable. It made the budding romance of the leads uncomfortably too real in both life and movie. That part of the movie is just too creepy. I do like Russell Crowe negotiating with the rebels. The action at the end is worthwhile and the whole story flows very well.


I just wanted to add something that I think it's missing from all the comments here: This kind of approach to South America and its recent history is insulting and biased. 1. The pro-left rebels in the mountains are portrayed as comic stereotypes: dirty, illiterate, terrorist. 2. Nothing in the movie even hints the BIGGEST problem, which is the constant involvement of the US in South American and Central American internal affairs and the exploitation of the South American resources by the West. 3. The white characters are so f***** pure and one-sided that it made me want to puke.The kidnapped man is a damn builder who wants to "help the people".The wife and the sister are down-to-earth strong American women. The rescuers are funny and charming and have a noble agenda.Whereas everything about the South American country is mercantile and primitive. No s***, Sherlock.Western directors should do some research and soul searching before working with such background stories. This is the real history and drama of a whole continent, not some childish Star Wars story.As for movie itself, I enjoyed it somewhat because of some good actors. Morse is great, Caruso tackles the type of supporting role that we are usually used to see Bill Paxton in, and Crowe is OK in his tough guy military role. The only problem with the acting is Meg Ryan, who's not only miscast but really does an awful job here. Really terrible, as always, actually.


I just saw this movie early this morning, loved it and really needed to share my personal analysis of its message. This version of "The Trial" by Franz Kafka was by far one of the most positive, human and smile-inducing versions I have been blessed enough to see in all of this horribly depressing year . And it isn't a parody. Kelly's Heroes is still my favorite, as it is more the journey shared after all came together to bring their separate trials to an ending that gave them all the dignity they deserved. Most people are not what I consider really thinking 'OH..."Trial" or "Apocalyse"' when they watch movies. It's a thing I do...but it's better than being scarred for life so I don't feel too abnormally plugged in to those themes out of my own misery, exactly. The film's particular take is what I find most interesting as it's always completely new! No wonder the connection usually isn't seen by normal people. I have my reasons.I really enjoyed the metamorphosis in Meg Ryan's spoiled and somewhat selfish character. The whole ordeal made her grow up and showed how much their marriage was taken for granted until they finally got some real problems to flip out over. Her gradual change from ignorant and naive bitch to grateful and emotionally invested friend to the man who, lets face it...is basically an angel in human form. The kiss, in my opinion, was less about any romance that a married woman and a man who wouldn't do such an ethically dubious thing as to TRY TO TAKE A MAN'S WOMAN WHILE SAVING HIS LIFE. His professionalism never wavered. Can a huge break in that obvious level of honesty and selflessness be seen as romantic in nature? Give me a break, people! He was going to kiss a pretty woman before he died, as the mission was certainly one that would have brought that at any time. Besides, he really did develop a love for her that was less about attraction than a shared experience full of sacrifice, intensity and real dedication to family. The French prisoner; an Oddball, yet more annoyingly optimistic in his schtick like Roberto Bergnini in "Life is Beautiful". at one point when speaking to Meg about her Husband, which was weird to me in its obvious bull, seemed like a sweet attempt to give her a more saintly, detailed and less miserably hard last impression of her husband's character and great help to him. He thought for sure he might be dead, after all. This is what normally happens to prisoners in such extreme circumstances. The Foreign Legion veteran is just too genius to NOT be another angel in human form. He had that "mentally gone" act down so easily that I had to wonder if he wrote the book on military tactics. Brilliant person of an obviously impressive amount of experience, and here is the guy he can not only educate and befriend but make an escape a possibility. Two heads were obviously necessary to get anywhere near hope in this miserable "Blood Diamond"-like hell. When a whole country is drained of fear or slave labor to a Dictator/Gangster that works close enough to American Oil and other government agency interests to be equally f*cked by them completely, how is an end to it ever plausible without extra special people? This is saying just how much really is expected of all people involved here. I can't stand vain people who do nothing at all that would be considered an actual act of bravery or sacrifice, but openly and easily throw such words around (or their sycophants, friends or otherwise cover-up people) in any reference to themselves as if the act of saying it made it so. These types could be easily inserted into the QUAD/OCTONAL "geometrically doubling in it's bigness" pipeline for oil-interested Devils. These incredibly phoney rich folks suck more than the quality of their dinner conversation. Liars and heartless dictators bathe in more money than they know what to do with, while those that can do better wind up like our couple here.The final rescue mission is the most reminiscent of Kelly's Heroes for me, as the very level of Special Ops skills and divinely inspired badassery was this character's same skill set, minus the humor. Nevertheless, this movie doesn't wear me down with more violent and demoralizing torture or violence, leaves the focus of its ending on the actual emotional investment made by our hero in his total,unspoken promise to protect and help this family, but carried to the completion with such unwavering commitment that Meg's awe at the miracle they were given is difficult for her to verbalize. Yes, I know that to see a person do that, much less have one save your own ass is not likely for most people. Still, I needed to see it today really badly. Hope is not a thing that is easily given in my world. This movie has it.


I liked this movie, I liked the characters and the pacing and plot, but what's with the gratuitous use of cigarette placement in this film. it seemed crow-bared into the story for no effect. there was no point to its inclusion. Add to that we never see meg Ryan taking a puff, just awkwardly waving her cigarette around. I first say a stray puff of smoke and wondered what the hell it was then later figured out Meg was smoking (or not). Then we get Crow in on the act and the sister. It just rang hollow and confusing and put a corporate edge on an otherwise interesting story.Crow's character was cool and for the family breaking wife stealer he managed to pull in the real world with meg his character was certainly worth it.Meg looked cool too, pre lip implants.The military stuff was precise and focused and the hostage stuff disturbing. A flawed but good movie. I'm glad I watched it.
