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Transmorphers (2007)

June. 26,2007
| Adventure Action Science Fiction

About a race of alien robots that have conquered Earth and forced humanity underground. After 400 years, a small group of humans develop a plan to defeat the mechanical invaders in the ultimate battle between man and machine.


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Very well executed


One of the best films i have seen


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.


I just saw this jewel on Netflix. Firstly, I agree with some of the reviews people have written. I gave three stars to this movie, which is generous to say the least. It has bad acting (overacting) , bad story and just about everything else in this movie is bad. I'll only list the biggest problems.1. Budget was too low for this bold of a project. This is no Iron Sky, it also had a ridiculous storyline but had nearly perfect CGI that resulted in a slick final product. Transmorphers CGI looked like cartoons. Come to think of it, why didn't they try to make this as an animated movie? Based off the Transformers cartoon? Instead?2. Producers TRIED to take this movie seriously. It could have redeemed itself if the director had given into the ridiculousness and went more tongue and cheek for a campy feel. They had an attractive female cast (per IMDb profiles) but failed to cash it on them. (Only one semi scantily clad woman around 1 hour in.) A little gratuitous nudity and sex could have improved things dramatically. It felt like a porno-WITHOUT the porn. AND Amy Webber was even it! Remember her from Son of The Beach? She's still HOT, could have had a reason to have some PG rated bikini scenes! BUT NO!!!!!!!3. Lastly, people don't seem to be seeing this movie for what it was meant to be; a cheap cash maker, made to bring in some money off the popularity of Transformers. And it is what it is. I found it bad, but watchable. Most entertaining when viewed with a group of people to help heckle it, and alcohol.

Swiitch iT Productions

OK, sum up this train wreck of a movie in one word; awful. I saw the listing for this movie following a TRANSFORMERS marathon on TV. I knew by the title that it was going to be a hooooorrible ripoff of Transformers, but I thought to myself, "Hey, what the hell. Maybe it'll be good for a laugh." ... bad idea. Very bad.. I was going to hold back on the comments as I can be very opinionated, especially growing up in Hollywood North and producing animated shorts of my own. But after reading Jeff McDonald's review titled "Doesn't live up to the hype", I decided I could no longer bite my tongue.. er, ..fingers. Jeff; I seriously hope you were joking around when you wrote that. If you had half a clue, you would realize those toys you spent all that time playing with, were actually called TransFORMERS, the catch-phrase was "Robots in DISGUISE" (hence being able to transform) and his name is OPTIMUS. There was no such cartoon in the 80's called Transmorphers but there was one called Transformers. It even had a swear word! The villain group of the race are known as the DecePticons and when mentioning characters such as Honeybee, Chazz and Sunscreen, I believe you're referring to BUMBLEbee, Jazz and STARSCREAM. As for Magnadoodle, I believe you may be referring to Etch-a-Sketch? (lol) Finally, it's "More than meets the eye". Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to mock you or call you out, but please, oh please, for the love of God, get your facts straight before writing a review or claim to be a fan, when clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. It must have been disappointing for this movie not living up to the hype, considering you weren't even watching the right one? Perhaps you have (or will) check out the actual movie since writing your review. After this disgrace of a film, you may be pleasantly surprised.That being said, I was disappointed in myself for sitting through this film. I don't think they could have ripped off Transformers harder if they tried, right down to the Frenzy-like character that took on the form of a cellphone, although I almost laughed myself to death at the terrible acting as this non-moving robot killed the woman driving. The effects, both CGI (if it can be called that) and practical effects were that of an amateur's and the audio was terrible as well as out-of-sync. I almost thought I was watching the old TV show Thunderbirds during certain scenes and even found myself looking for puppet strings. When an actor films every shot he or she is in, in a single day, you can tell that not a lot of effort was put into making this. I still find myself in shock that this monstrosity somehow managed to spawn a sequel, not that I'll be hanging around to see it. I wouldn't have paid $2.50 to see this, let-alone the $250,000 it cost to produce. Maybe next time the money could be used to buy an original idea. As mentioned before, I too lost time and brain cells at the hands of this disaster, so, before you think to yourself this may be fun to watch, let me save you some time by saying "it's not worth it". Just remember, brain cells don't regenerate!


i didn't read all the comments but i could tell from the first few that the majority of you have never heard of the Asylum, i.e. the worst production company ever conceived.They make all their money by creating piece of crap movies with similar names and plots to blockbuster movies that are released at the same time.Look them up and you'll see all the movies that they have made, take a mental note to never see them, because they are either as bad as this movie, or...believe it or not...even worse...i know, you would think it not possible but it is.They've been sued multiple times and fined multiple times for copyright infringement and alike, but the Owners still maintain that it is pure coincidence that they have similar movies with "real" movies and that they put forth as much effort as any other production company.


Changed the channel after the first two minutes. Turns out they found a planet 20 million light years away and we sent a message of peace five years later they responded. Okay first off we do not know of anything that travels faster than the speed of light, radio waves travel at the speed of light. Meaning if we sent a radio message it would take 20 MILLION YEARS TO GET TO THEIR PLANET. Then even if the robots could travel at the speed of light it would take them 20 MILLION YEARS TO REACH US!!!!!! Plus I would say another year or two for them to assemble a military strike before they left. Even if they found a way to bend the space time continuum to warp to us, our message would still take 20 MILLION YEARS!!!!
