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Zone of the Dead

Zone of the Dead (2011)

January. 20,2011
| Horror Action

A police-escorted prisoner transport supervised by Interpol sets off to Belgrade. The route leads the transport through Pančevo, where they encounter an ecological disaster and infected people who are trying to kill them. Interpol agents Mortimer Reyes and Mina Milius soon realize that their only chance for escape from the zombie hordes lies in allying with the dangerous, mysterious prisoner.


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That was an excellent one.


People are voting emotionally.


Let's be realistic.


The acting in this movie is really good.


The good thing about zombie films is that they're inherently entertaining. Even the really poor ones are often unintentionally amusing, like Bruno Mattei's hopeless Italian efforts. So when it came to watching APOCALYPSE OF THE DEAD, a retitled version of the 2009 film ZONE OF THE DEAD, I was in high spirits. I knew that it was a cheap and cheerful B-movie, I wasn't expecting too much from it, and I was fully prepared to disengage my brain and have a good time.It's worth noting that this is Serbia's first zombie film, although don't let that excite you too much; as with much foreign fare these days, it's content to rip-off American content, inevitably in this case Romero's dead trilogy (which is referenced at numerous points in the narrative). In case the similarities weren't strong enough already, the producers also cast DAWN OF THE DEAD's Ken Foree in a leading role here. I have a lot of goodwill towards Foree for his role in that movie, so I was even more interested in watching this as the credits rolled.It's not really surprising that this film doesn't turn out to be very good at all. It's a classic B-movie in the sense that everything that takes place is familiar from other, better productions; one film that's content to rip-off rather than try its hand at something more original. The story of a zombie outbreak is told on the cheap, as a group of rather uninteresting characters barricade themselves inside a police station and try to figure out what to do about the ravenous creatures outside.Sadly, the predictable storyline is made worse by the two directors, who seem unable to give their film any suspense or real drive. Time and again they have long, drawn-out conversations take place between people while zombies approach in the background. Now, in an effective zombie film, everything would be about the potential menace and the need to get away as quickly as possible from the threat, but here the characters chat away as if they haven't got a care in the world. It makes for boring viewing.The performances are pretty much what you'd expect from an ultra-cheap film of this sort, the characterisation is half-hearted and unrealistic, and the joke-shop effects aren't really worth writing home about either. The film also feels rather restrained, despite one or two unpleasant moments, and even Foree himself isn't very good; he seems tired and subdued, and he isn't a patch on the menacing character he played in Romero's movie. You feel sorry for him, in a way, for wasting his time appearing in such instantly forgettable dreck.


I really can't stand it when people pass judgement on a film without watching it in it's entirety. This is the first time I'm breaking my own rule. I would like to have watched it, if only to see Ken Foree. Unfortunately, no one told me to bring along my motion sickness patches. Most of the film was filmed, most annoyingly, and for no logical reason, in shaky-cam. I just had to switch off a few minutes in, and back on for the last 10 minutes or so.If it were re-filmed with Steady-cam, I'd be happy to give it another go.Unfortunately I'm unable to submit this without two more lines but that is really all I have to say.


I really love zombie movies, the good ones and the bad ones. This one falls somewhere in the middle. Most zombie movies I see are terrible, and not worth watching once, let alone adding to the collection to watch in the future.I would say this is worth adding to a zombie movie collection. But if you aren't a zombie fan, then this movie is probably not for you.It has about as much drama as a Resident Evil video game, and the acting isn't much better. But it's far better than most of the zombie trash that comes out lately. I would say this movie just barely fits in to the top 50 zombie/flesh eating movies of all time.


First of all "Zone of the Dead" is a genre movie. If you are looking for some aEpic masterpiece you are looking in the wrong place. If you are looking for a semi-scary, slightly gory, zombie movie with the occasional line of laughter, this movie is for you.I thourahly emjoyed this movie. However I am a huge zombie fan and I haven't seen very many Zombie Movies that have not entertained me.Zone of the Dead is one of my favorite new zombie movies. Although it starts off relatively slow, it builds to a great climax. The dialog for a few characters is a little absurd, but it could also be the acting.Most of the cast does a good job 99% of the time.It explorers the human element in the face of death.( (SPOILER ALeRT)Characters reevaluate either values in the face of death and danger, unexpected bonds are formed in order to survive.The Zombie in this story are undead like in the original "Night of the Living Dead. Tney are not like "The 28 Days Later" creature in which they are infecyed with the rage virus. Even though the contagion can be passed through the bite of the infected, which kills you, then returns you to life!!
