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A Scream in the Streets

A Scream in the Streets (1973)

January. 01,1973
| Horror Action Crime

Two Los Angeles detectives are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. Their job is complicated by the fact that the killer is able to avoid capture because he can pose as a woman.


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Why so much hype?


Such a frustrating disappointment


People are voting emotionally.


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.


Why does this movie suffer? Many reasons, and it's it own fault. You know a movies in trouble where the faceless killer's revealed at the start, with all the credits coming up the screen and if it's closing. If you caught your VHS tape at that moment, and rewound it, within a couple of seconds, with the tape stopping, you would give wonder, and that's how you'll feel all the way through this crap. The film has a good premise, and could really had potential, if approached right. "But no". What's happening here, is they've decided to make a porn movie but also a drama with a real story. You can't have it both ways. If this wasn't a sex film, you could of have a really good movie. There is some appalling "What the F" acting here, not from everyone, but I'd say the majority, and you'll definitely pick em. The plot sees a serial killer raping and killing women, one a fifteen year old girl, who we only hear about, thankfully. But we can't be thankful for much in A Scream In The Streets. One such scene I'm thankful for in a way, is the massage scene, featuring a sickie and a hottie, getting it on. Now riddle me this: the heartless owner gets a bottle smashed across his face, but no blood. I've seen unproduced films that are better than this crap. Honestly. You note too, the grainy picture with those lines running down the screen. This is just a shoddy and pathetic movie with so many pathetic moments, plus one of the worst drop dead falls, I've ever seen. Most of the cast deserve time in prison, but if acquitted, should do acting classes as probation. The people behind the movie should of made a choice, to just do a porno, or an actual movie, but they've done both, and look what's happened. There's some scenes that have nothing to do with the movie, where also there's some drawn out sex scenes, that deviate from the story.


This would have to be one of the sleaziest cop movies i have ever seen.It's about two cops,Rookie and rule book who spend most of their time driving around L.A catching peeping toms and other perverts and occasionally blowing away bad guys.The back cover asks the question:How do cops find the time to love when they're listening for the next...Scream In The Streets? Well the answer seems to be obvious after watching this 70's flick,all the time!!Although i didn't do an accurate count but it seems to me that in the 70 minutes that it runs for there would be about 30 to 40 minutes of extended sex scenes,some grubbier than others,we get lots of tits,muff,kink, a lesbian scene and even a cock to look at.There's also a cross dressing killer on the loose who loves nothing better than to rape and kill women in the park every 20 minutes or so. The movie feels like a series of episodes just joined together to make a feature,which is fine by me!In fact according to issue 5 of Fatal Visions this movie was also released in OZ as Girls In The Streets on the K&C label and has a longer running time,I've got the Platinum Video release which is cut but still really strong stuff. I highly recommend to all you perverts who haven't seen it!!


A cross-dressing serial killer/rapist in drag beats a woman to death before the opening credits start rolling, and that's pretty much the entire movie. From there we see two cops start going about their rounds to find the killer, which never amounts to anything except that this thing turns into a porno flick with endless sex scenes and a peeping tom who always happens to find the right window at the right time so he can watch. I like gratuitous sex as much as the next guy, but there is a limit in a straight "feature", and certainly not when it's unimaginatively presented and whatever existing plot line was initiated completely becomes ignored. This is a very bad movie. 0 out of ****


WARNING SPOILERS INCLUDED 'The World is Full of Freaks' remarks one cop to another in A Scream in the Streets and the film itself seems on a quest to prove his point. A detective thriller by way of a transvestite horror movie by way of the down and dirtiest kind of sexploitation feature. Scream takes no prisoners, even as the credits are rolling we're privy to a berserk man in drag roughing up a girl and tearing her clothes off. The film takes place over a hot week in LA as cop Ed Haskell, married and by the book has to act partner to Bob Streeker a hotheaded bachelor. In a threadbare Dragnet fashion they drive around LA acting as a link to the films gamut of criminal behaviour. At a downtown massage parlour the bearded owner rages at one of his girls who wants nothing to do with a customer nicknamed 'Fanny Freak'. Mr Fanny Freak is a rich, decrepit, skinny bald old man whose rough treatment has already sent one of the girls down to the hospital. Eventually the girl plays along, Fanny Freak gets to give her the massage and genially gets his dollars worth from her but this does little to cram the urge for his vice. Fanny Freak eventually goes into a tantrum smashing the owner over the face with a bottle and moving in on the girl- chasing her around the parlour with his belt. Deeper in suburbia a bloated voyeur who like a punch drunk boxer is mad at the world, peeps through a window at a swinger couple smoking dope. Dressed in a joke shop 50's nostalgia outfit the woman inexplicably resembles some gangster's moll who has fallen on hard times and has to appear in loops with the ugliest looking man imaginable. It all gets too much for Streeker who seems to be in one foul mood that gradually gets worse and worse as the week progresses. He works off his aggression by blowing holes in bank robbers or stomping suspects. All the while the threat of the transvestite sex killer looms in the background. Despite his fat legs, pink dresses and blonde wig, the transvestite is somehow undetected as he prowls around a park. Whenever he's near a woman he freaks-out, laughing hysterically while issuing twisted demands at knife-point before performing psycho surgery on the women when things get too hot. 'I hate you, I hate all women, you're rotten ohhhh' he says as he pummels an undercover policewoman. Too empathise what a fiend the transvestite is we're told he's picked off one of Haskell's teenage neighbours, a fact that jars Mrs Haskell who its revealed was the victim of a similar teenage assault. We last see the Peeping Tom trailing a woman home, in the process learning she's part of a bored housewives group who have made making out behind their husband's backs an afternoon pastime. A mock twister game provides the films lewdest sight gag as the girls manage to keep the peeper occupied while phoning the police at the same time. Scream was shot in 1972 the same year that would see Deep Throat and its ilk legitimatize triple X rated films. Seemingly anticipating the gradual change from softcore to hardcore, Scream takes 'soft X' as far as it would go... maybe further. Like in the late Carl Monson's most popular offering Please Don't Eat My Mother the appearance of well known sex actresses in the cast as well as an hitherto unheard of on screen frankness poses a good case for Scream being shot as hardcore and then cut down for a more general release. Scream is also a bigger Trojan horse in that like producer Harry Novak's 1970 film The Booby Trap its extreme nature was down-played in its publicity which favoured to sell it as a straight forward crime thriller. A Scream in the Streets is less a straightforward narrative than a group of sadistic outbursts that skips on few fetish. You sit transfixed, always anticipating the worst as its degenerate character actors get ready to explode like fireworks. Uncannily suited to their scummy parts you wonder if Monson didn't just spot these people on the streets of LA, roll down his window and holler 'hey creep wanna be in a movie? theres some really purrtey girls in it'. Rarely seen in its 86 minute entirety, cut versions bearing titles like Scream Street and Girls in the Street often lose quite a deal of footage with the fanny freak or the bored housewives club scenarios being the first to be snipped or lost. A Scream in the Streets waves its Hollywood Boulevard sleaze flag high, capturing a place at its most extreme and lawless which makes its on the street shootouts and grubby massage parlours all too believable. The weeklong madness ends in its final sucker punch. The transvestite works over another girl then kills Haskell in the confusion. Finally he gets his comeuppance when he learns that men in dresses should not call an armed cop a 'schmuck'. The ironic fade out brings full circle the films cycle of violent men who can't control themselves, but what really sticks in your mind is that Scream's violent events are probably all ready to be played out again the following week.
