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It Waits

It Waits (2005)

November. 10,2005
| Horror

A lone female park ranger tries to track down a vicious creature killing various people and terrorizing her at a remote national park.


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All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.

Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


In a scene that is never explained, some Native American students wander into a cave in Northern Arizona and release an ancient demon creature. The story then centers around a young ranger named Danielle (Vincent) stationed nearby who accidentally killed her best friend in a car accident and is slowly turning into an alcoholic due to the guilt. Her boyfriend Justin (Zamprogna), a fellow ranger, shows up for support just in time to experience the creature which has wings and can fly. Making a shambles of their ranger station the two must fight the creature and try to survive. Television writer and producer Stephen J. Cannell co writes and produces this monster on the loose film that seems to want to be a monster movie in the vein of "Jeepers Creepers" but falls miles short. The story spends way too much time trying to flesh out the main character and her personal demons instead of upping the body count and supplying some gore. Cerina Vincent is fine looking (a point the director must have noticed as well since she is in a white thin tank top the entire film despite temperatures so low you could see her breath) but she could have used plenty of more acting classes. The drama her character is in is more than she could handle. Worst of all, this film didn't need this dramatic subplot. It needed much more mayhem and a lot more blood. 'It Waits' may be the title but that is what the audience is doing waiting for anything good to happen. By the end of the movie, most viewers will rename it 'It Sucks'.


I believe I almost saw this film a number of years ago but snubbed it in order to go with a more promising looking movie. So many years later, in search of a good creature feature, I "legally purchased at full price a copy of the DVD and waited to have it mailed" since that's how we all watch movies in 2012 because torrenting is illegal, right? :)The movie starts off remotely promising, a goreless intro with implied off-screen killings (grrrrr....) that explains how the creature is discovered. We are introduced to a lonely isolated character with huge breasts and a sizeable nose as well (i'm just saying if she was going to go through the trauma of making her boobs so huge she might as well have reshaped her clearly too-large-for-TV nose)I started off kind of liking the main character, she's SOMEwhat relateable in that she struggles with guilt and subsequent alcohol abuse. You get the impression that maybe this girl is someone we can tolerate through the entire film; sadly this is not the case.The movie is limited to about 5 other characters. The sappy love story between our heroine and her boyfriend is developed wayyyy too long just in order for it to end in possibly the stupidest set of decisions made in any horror movie.For a gore lover like me the movie touches on being decent in that aspect but there is definitely a sense of modesty as far as the length of the kill scenes and what the director allows us to see. He certainly lets us see a lot of the creature which looks not similar but looks and exacts completely identical to the creeper in 'Jeepers Creepers'. Not an homage, not similar, but a bit-for-bit recreation and ripoff.Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this since J.C. was a great creature movie (probably the best out of the 2k's) but J.C. excelled because Victor Salva incorporated lots of backstory, mystery, and subsequent fear of the creature based on what we did not know about it or what exactly it was. "It Waits" doesn't really explain the creature other than referencing some Indian religious relation (which i'm not sure is factual lore or not and certainly not intriguing enough to look up.)What i couldn't stand the most was the CLEARLY CONTRIVED INSERTED SOUNDTRACK featuring songs that not only don't belong in the horror movie. The music is so corny in fact I felt like slamming my head into the wall. It's almost like a giant farse of a creature movie in order to plug some "up and coming" artist's new album of boring soft-rock-pop singles.There isn't enough gore for a creature feature. And the few would-be gory shots are quick cutaways or take place off camera for the most part (pure laziness on cgi/special effects/directorial team considering the nature of the movie.) The ending of the movie is equally horrible.I am sure this director is (and was) capable of far better in the realm of drama, but based on this screenplay he was probably left with mostly dead-ends. This movie certainly hits a dead-end relatively early and meanders around for the remaining last 30 minutes. If you enjoy watching unintelligent women with extraordinarly large breasts run around aiming her gun with 0 accuracy then this movie MAY be for you. However if that's your kind of movie I would try and track down one of the "Slumber/Sorority House Massacres" instead.


For some reason while watching IT WAITS it occurred to me that this movie looks and feels a bit like some sort of 90 minutes long stand alone episode of THE X-FILES (but only without Scully and Mulder running around in it and it's not about aliens either). So that already hints that IT WAITS isn't that bad at all. But as far as 'look & feel' goes, that's where the comparison ends. While on the surface IT WAITS looks like your standard run-of-the-mill creature-in-the-woods feature, it does have a little more to offer. The drama-aspects, predominant in the first half of the movie and coming back with a final twitch in the end, were something you wouldn't exactly expect in the first place from a movie like this and they were even well-developed too. So what am I talking about exactly? I'll keep it vague, so no spoilers. Cerina Vincent (looking good as ever) plays a troubled young ranger, Danielle, coming to terms with her personal demons from the past regarding a traumatic experience and her on-going issues with her boyfriend Justin (played by Dominic Zamprogna, who has a pleasant on-screen charisma). Her location of choice to do all that (and get wasted on alcohol during the process too) is a remote forest outpost. Like I said, the dramatic subplot is interesting, told in a decent fashion and very well portrayed by Miss Vincent. I could only appreciate it, even though I think they over-used the inappropriate tragic/romantic rock songs on the soundtrack.What about the creature? You very soon learn that it's some demon from a Native American legend. But only later in the movie you learn a bit more about its history and characteristics. The sequence where you learn all that information really felt a bit easy and out-of-place. But I agree that it was necessary to flesh out the character of the creature. The demon-beast itself is a nice creation by Tony Gardner (check out his resumé and you'll find out that the guy always does a good job). It might remind you of The Creeper from JEEPERS CREEPERS mixed with a little bit of PUMPKINHEAD and a face ten times more vicious than any possible demon from the BUFFY series. But it still looks pretty unique. Some of the CGI shots of the creature where a bit less convincing. The kills in this movie are pretty good and gory, and the fun stuff includes that some of the corpses tend to pop up here and there, because our demonoid creature is just a bit more cunning and devious than your average beast.Another nice touch about IT WAITS is that it's not about a bunch of people (whether it be teenagers or military folks or whatever) fighting some creature in the woods. From the second half of the movie onward, it's Danielle who has to battle it out on her own with the creature. It's Woman vs. Beast here, where the beast could easily be a metaphor for her own dark demons she has got to come to terms with before the movie's closure. And then there's also a nice little supporting role for… a parrot! Now if you want to know how all that works out, you'll just have to watch the movie. I liked IT WAITS more than I expected, but I'll try to temper my enthusiasm in my final rating. Because it still remains just an above average creature feature with a few extra merits going for it (the nice cinematography and the beautiful, mist-laden Canadian forests as scenery being two I haven't even mentioned yet).


I finally got to watch this movie in one sitting. I was impressed both with the movie overall and with the actress. The plot kept things moving along at a bearable pace. People acted like real people not like the artificially dumb bunnies that are in most 'horror' films. Cerina Vincent really carried the movie and made her character both believable and sympathetic. "It Waits" is more of a 'character' and love story than a pure 'horror' movie. The same story idea could have worked with a rogue bear besieging the Forest Service employee in the tower rather than an ancient demon. The demon was just more 'fun'. The love scene was very tastefully done. It was probably better on the actors too that there wasn't full nudity considering it was cold enough on set to have their breath fogging every time they spoke! My only technical gripe was with the choice of scoped rifle for the protagonists' firearm. Those were very dense woods but her rifle had an obviously high-powered telescopic sight on it. That would actually hinder shooting at the close ranges in the forest. Couple that with the fact that the Forest Service employee would only need the rifle for defense against rogue animals which would only be taken at close range and one must conclude that the rifle should have had open sights rather than a telescope. I think this comes from most movie people knowing close to nothing about guns and having the idea in their heads that a 'hunting rifle' is a bolt-action with 'scope type. Sorry that I am so picky but it is this way in so many movies. Of course the pre-fused and capped dynamite she used was a stretch too as anyone who handles explosives will tell you. You don't cap and fuse any explosive until just prior to use. Otherwise you risk an unplanned 'loud noise'.I am glad I got the DVD both for the movie and the extra features on it.
