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Moon 44

Moon 44 (1990)

February. 15,1990
| Science Fiction

Year 2038: The mineral resources of the earth are drained, in space there are fights for the last deposits on other planets and satellites. This is the situation when one of the bigger mining corporations has lost all but one mineral moons and many of their fully automatic mining robots are disappearing on their flight home. Since nobody else wants the job, they send prisoners to defend the mining station. Among them undercover agent Stone, who shall clear the whereabouts of the expensive robots. In an atmosphere of corruption, fear and hatred he gets between the fronts of rivaling groups.


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How sad is this?


A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


It's 2038. Earth's resources are depleted. Multinational corporations control far off mining operations in the outer zone. Moon 47 is attacked by robot fighters. With an expected attack on Moon 44, Galactic Mining sends in young tech nerd navigators to guide helicopter pilots. With no one for the dangerous piloting jobs, the company recruits willing prisoners. There is an issue with the situation and internal affairs is needed. The company offers the job to Felix Stone (Michael Paré) in exchange for cancelling his contract. This is early B-movie Roland Emmerich. I remember watching some of this back in the day. It's got good miniatures but the action is limited filmmaking. Limited is the catch phrase for most of this movie. While I remember the conflict between navigators and pilots, the secret sabotage is forgettable. More than anything, the acting is B-level led by Michael Paré. They are perfectly fine for this solid B-movie. Perfectly fine B-movie defines everything aspect of this movie.


I don't know why people who write reviews on this movie, are so grumpy!This movie was made in 1990, it says it has action, it has action, also it says it's a thriller, it keeps the viewers attention and it's sci-fi, thinking it has a low budget, you should expecting to see an Iron Man 3 sci-fi, it has little special effects but it compensates with the talent of the actors that you don't find in our days.I personally like this movie and I appreciated it, because it's an old one and a good one.I really don't regret that I've seen it, I'm glad, Michael Paré is a good actor and his role attitude is fantastic.I scored it a little higher 8 out of 10 i think is around 7.7 out of 10.


It's 2038 the planet earth is out of national resources, but there's a whole asteroid belt of deserted, lifeless rocks from which all the world's resources can be drawn. But the planet earth has also split into various corporations instead of nations who are fighting for control of those asteroids. In fact one company is down to only one asteroid, the last stand will be made on Moon 44.You know if you're expecting a serious study on earth's dwindling resources and what I personally think will eventually happen, the strip mining of dead worlds for resources, Moon 44 ain't the film for you. What we did get in between the giggles and the video game special effects was one of the great homo-erotic science fiction films of all time.The defense craft are these helicopter type ships that only crazy people like prisoners will fly in exchange for commutation of sentence. They are navigated from the asteroid by these computer geek types. Pilot and navigator of necessity have to work together to fly these things. But the brawny prisoners and they are all brawny believe me have other ideas about bonding with these twinks from space.Michael Pare is an internal affairs agent for the company going in undercover as a prisoner. Dean Devlin is the head twink, you don't really think he would be teamed with a hardened lifer did you?Actors trained in the classics like Roscoe Lee Browne and Malcolm McDowell do the lines like they pearls from the Bard and they do it well. Might be some of the best acting these two gentlemen have ever done on screen. We never see these villains, all we know is that they're not aliens just greedier humans than who Pare is working for. Or who is exactly working for who?If you care to watch and get a few laughs, tune this monstrosity in.


Moon 44 is a b grade sci-fi gem of a movie about in the year 2038 mineral resources on earth have ran out and different corporations are fighting for the last few planets and moons that have minerals on them.Nobody wants to man moon 44 because they are scared of being killed by people from other corporations but some convicts get sent to moon 44 to fly helicopters to defend it in exchange for some time of there sentences and with the convicts are some smart young men who navigate for them and an under cover agent who is there to try and find out who is hijacking the mining shuttles.The acting in this movie is OK and the best 2 actors in this movie are the OK actor Malcolm McDowell and the sort of OK actor from the OK movie Cobra and he plays one of the punks in the start of The Terminator.There is only one thing wrong with this movie like how most of the special effects are crap but this movie is a b grade movie so its OK that the special effects are crap.Over all if u are a fan of good b grade movies or sci-fi movies i think that u will really like this movie.And my rating for this movie is six out of ten.
