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Tycus (2000)

August. 08,2000
| Action Science Fiction

An underground city is built to save a cross-section of humanity as a comet hurtles toward Earth.


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


Undescribable Perfection


Absolutely Fantastic

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


Like many others, I counted on the appearance of Dennis Hopper to make this not a complete waste of time. I was sadly mistaken. Everything negative said about this flic is more than true. What takes the cake however, is the horrible, horrible storyline for the main character.Here's why: The planet might be destroyed, the ONLY way to recover from it, for the ENTIRE human race to be saved trough it, is to get as many smart, capable, nice, competent people into an underground hide-out. And Dennis Hopper is the lone seer/scientist with vision who was prepared for the worst, and who has realized this. But what's the main motivation of Stevens (Sonny D'Angelo)?? He's angry because Dennis has decided who is to be saved or to be doomed! While it clearly explained to Stevens that Dennis' character has done everything to warn people of the danger but that he was laughed at. The Hopper-character was the boy with the finger in the dike, and now Stevens is blaming him for 'picking and choosing'??? And if that isn't enough, he wants to stop everybody from entering this hideout, because "it isn't fair!?" AND.... he's responsible for the death of the one guy who is humanity's saviour! OH MY GOD, how stupid can you get?What's also maddening that IMDb forces one to write minimal ten lines about this piece of crap. I mean, TWO MILLION in budget, what could have been done with that? Think Clerks, Blair Witch, and lotsa other movies who have been made for under 100.000 dollars and were still better. AAAAARGH! I count myself lucky that I didn't pay one penny to see this crap, and to sit through the end of this utter, úber-crap, is one the most heroic things I've done this year. It's no wonder that the writers of this pile of dung had jobs as camera operator and title designer before ...


There are SO many screwups and mistakes in this movie that I gave up counting after the first ten minutes. The acting simply HAS to be the worst I have EVER seen in my life, The effects can be done better on a home PC using 3DsMax software and the writing stinks so bad I thought the film was a comedy...I'm assuming it wasn't. For a start, The exterior jet is a Cessna Citation, and aircraft I am quite familiar with having piloted one myself and yet, when the main charecters enter the cockpit they are standing....not only are they standing, they are standing side-by-side in the doorsway. Standing in a citition is like standing in a VW beetle....simply no friggin' way. Does this director think audiences are simply stupid? or was this a cast and crew simply desparate for a paycheque?...either way, they didn't deserve one. The story, about an asteriod/comet about to impact the moon isn't so far fetched...the fact that they bounce back and forth from it 'impacting the moon' in one scene, to 'aproaching Earth's atmosphere' in the next clearly shows the desparation of the crew to simply have their name on the credits...obviously a first for most of the cast and crew. The biggest joke of the whole film??.....STEALING SCENES/FILM FOOTAGE FROM "AIR AMERICA" What?...The director didn't think anyone would notice the 'flying boxcar' crash scenes...do the makers of "Air America" know you used these shots?.. I can only sum it up this way: I simply had to watch this one right through although (my kids fell asleep after ten minutes) just to see how BAD this could get and, trust me on this, the whole cast and crew should sue to have their names taken off the credits.


What a bad reccomendation! I started watching the first 20 minutes of it, and I just couldn't take the horrible acting, production value (CAMERA!!), and SCRIPT!!! And everything else... It looks like a shabby made-for TV episode, without spirit or feel. Cliche American characters make this one a movie to stop watching 20 minutes in... because I sometimes feel like my life has been wasted. At least it was only wasted for 20 minutes or so instead of a couple hours.I don't care if this movie has some cool ideas, like asteroids hitting Earth and people living underground. It is done horribly, so it doesn't get any points outta me. If I feel my time has been wasted, how can a movie be at all good?Yeah, this is definetly a direct-to-video release, and am surprised a person like Dennis Hopper would voluntarily be in this movie. Is he friends with the scriptwriter or something?????


Actually the movie isn't that bad. The special effects are, for the most part, unconvincing. The movie seems to steal ideas from other movies in this genre, namely Deep Impact. The drunken pilot is practically a clone of Randy Quaid's character in Independence Day. One of the final scenes where the scientist gets trapped outside to die is shot strangely. As the unlucky bystanders watch the select few head down the elevator (which looks more like an outhouse), their facial expressions reminded me of Night of the Living Dead. Instead of hurrying to the elevator shaft to save themselves, they look catatonic. Only as the elevator doors begin to close do they scramble for their own lives. I made a mistake and paid to rent this as a new release.
