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The Barbarians

The Barbarians (1987)

March. 20,1987
| Adventure Fantasy Action

Orphaned brothers Kutchek and Gore are adopted by a tribe led by Canary the owner of a powerful jewel. The evil Kadar wants both Canary and the jewel. Attacking the tribe he kidnaps Canary but the stone eludes him. The brothers are taken to be trained as gladiators and years later have grown to be VERY big. They escape and set off on a quest to find the jewel and rescue Canary.


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I love this movie so much


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


First Impressions:After a long day at work I was scrolling through on demand's strange collection of impact movies only to find this little gem. Reading that this film was about twin warriors fighting a David Bowie looking villain, I could hardly resist. Having a twin sister of my own I found that David and Peter Paul worked well together and actually shared some funny moments on screen.The look:The sets where much better looking than I expected (I loved many of the exterior shots, exotic looking locations), acting was good, and many of the characters were certainly enjoyable (The twins were the best, hands down). The good:This film delivers what it promises; to be a Conan-ish 1980s sword and sorcery flick with a little humor, heart, and horses. I like how the actors/actresses play off of each other and getting whisked away into the fantasy flick.The bad:Some of the effects and music where a bit dated; I understand budget restraints and rights could've been a factor BUT according to IMDb it states that it was estimated at around $4,000,000. The gore effects were mostly believable but that dragon was only a head, you couldn't fool me.The ugly:The sorceress was far too flat for my liking. Compared to Lynch, talk about lame villain, nice look going though. I couldn't understand her motivation so much other than jealousy. The women in this flick sadly fell under the damsel in distress route far too often. I can't name one time that they encountered peril and got themselves out. Kara never even used the bow and arrow she eventually acquired, what gives? (I'm no feminist but come on, bring on the hurt!)Overall: I'd love to watch this one again, might even buy it and enjoy it with a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. The version I saw was pretty rough though, looked like an old VHS rip. I won't get my hopes up if the double feature set with the Norseman on Amazon looks much better though. Toodles.


Brawny twin brothers Kutchek and Gore join forces to rescue their kidnapped queen Canary (a bewitching turn by the strikingly lovely and radiant Virginia Bryant) from the vile clutches of evil tyrant Kadar (veteran bad guy thesp Richard Lynch in fine wicked form) so they can restore the itinerant gypsy tribe they were adopted from to its former glory. Feisty outlaw gal Kara (a winningly spunky portrayal by the incredibly comely Eva LaRue) helps our endearingly thick-skulled musclehead heroes out.Director Ruggero Deodato, working from a blithely inane script by James R. Silke, wisely doesn't take the silly story seriously, maintains an engaging tongue-in-cheek tone throughout, keeps the enjoyably asinine plot moving along at a brisk pace, stages the sword fights with gusto, and even tosses in a few decent bits of splatter. The cast have a grand time with the campy material: Peter and David Paul make for amiable leads, Sheeba Alahani really sinks her teeth into the juicy role of formidable and treacherous sorceress China, Michael Berryman likewise has a ball as vicious lackey the Dirtmaster, and George Eastman pops up in a nifty bit as slimy arms dealer Jacko. Pino Donaggio's robust score hits the rousing spot. Gianlorenzo Battaglia's glossy cinematography and the pretty lavish production values provide an impressively polished look (the giant animatronic dragon in particular is quite gnarly). The bevy of luscious scantly clad harem girls supplies plenty of delectable eye candy. Good dumb fun.


I love bad movies. Not only, because they often are as entertaining as 'really' 'good' films (like Pirates of the Caribbean series and other Hollywood pathos), but they often are far better than those films. And that's the reason why I love Italian rip off cinema of 1970s and 1980s. And that's the reason why I especially love this movie, The Barbarians & the Company.Director Ruggero Deodato has made some actually very good movies, like House on the Edge of the Park, and also his Atlantis Interceptors and Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man are enjoyable action movies. But this is really bad. The Barbarians is so idiotic movie. Peter and David Paul as the Barbarian Brothers Kutchek and Gore are very funny, because of their lack of charisma and acting skills. But if they can't act, they yell and scream every time they do something important. In one scene people try to hang the Barbarian Brothers, and they escape very extraordinary way.Bad acting, bad special effects, very stupid story, bad direction, actually everything is bad in this movie. I can't describe how much I laughed when I watched this first time. The Barbarians & the Company is camp classic everybody should see once. If you thought Plan 9 From Outer Space is fun camp, this will be a real killer.


Kutchek and Gore are two orphans who got abducted by an evil warlord who makes a promise not to kill them. They go up into the Barbarian Brothers (the brothers if you don't know are freaking' HUGE) who after learning that the warlord is less than altruistic in his intentions, decide to break free and restore the balance. The two are stupid fools but they're big enough that no one cares. This movie is one of those films that's so bad it's good and is definitely tongue-in-cheek. Many highly quotable lines and I enjoyed it immensely.My Grade: B- Eye Candy: a few breasts are bared
