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T-Force (1994)

January. 31,1995
| Science Fiction

In the 21st Century, cybernetic research has developed advanced robots with human traits, whioch are widely used in the service industry. They have also been turned into cyber cops with a licence to kill....


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To me, this movie is perfection.


That was an excellent one.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


The future.Cyborgs used as advances swat teams but their decision making skills are not up to snuff.Civilians get killed.Cyborgs ordered to be dismantled.Cyborgs say 'FU' (they didn't get their Laws of Robotics quite right) Three of four cyborgs decide self preservation comes before obeying authority.Three cyborgs run away, killing everything in their path, and decide the Law is corrupt and must be destroyed.Loner cop (Scalia) teams up with the only boot licker (uh, I mean, obedient) cyborg to take out the evil cyborgs.This is a low budget cop scifi romp, and it shows. I wouldn't recommend this movie, however if I was bored and it came on TV I might not change the channel unless there was something better on (like the Paint Drying Channel).They do try and ask some interesting moral questions, but this ain't no I Robot. However, the babe cyborg is HOT. AND, the best part of the movie, Erin Gray stars as the Mayor. She is SO hot, even trying to be a stuffy know-it-all politician. She can roast my weenie any time!!!


I first saw this movie years back when I was on 6.th grade or something. Well, till now I remember some of the things from this movie.T-Force (Spoilers******) Inspired from the Terminator movies, director Richard Pepin tells the sci-fi story of some kind of Robots (much like T-800 series) used by the government. When there is any highly critical condition like terrorist attacks or hostage situation the cops used to call the help of T-Force. It includes 4 or 5 members including a lady robot (Yahe, she's pretty!) But things one day get messed up when the Robots take up on their own charges. They begin a new war against the authorities resulting a bunch of actions, gun fights, and shoot outs. Who will win the war, watch out T-Force! Yahe it's a low stage action films that came up with the ideas of Terminator, the smash hit of that times. But hey it has some cool visions from the writers Jacobsen Hart and Lenore Kletter one which shows virtual realistic girlfriend (yahe it was first seen on Total Recall, but this one really worked), that was later copied to Arnold's Sixth day. Also one unforgettable scene is the love making of Robots, huh Jennifer MacDonald (I really searched madly to find her name) make that scene unforgettable! Go and watch the movie for some lag in time.T-Force = A memorable movie.


...with this movie, that is. But not quite wrong enough to be a delightful dose of pure cheesiness. To be honest, I only caught the last hour+ of this movie, but I think that's about all that's needed. The saving graces are few and probably insufficient. Jack Scalia's actually enjoyable, Erin Grey's still hot, and the ending is actually pretty good. Otherwise, pretty much a complete mess. The lighting is just awful (to conceal dreadful sets?), continuity and even token realism take a back seat during the big finale action piece, and a lot of the acting is a notch below dinner theatre. This sort of thing could be forgiven if not for the wholesale, complete (and utterly unnecessary) theft of complete scenes from 'Terminator' - the police station scene and gun dealer scene, for two. Probably not worth a rental, even for cheese aficionados.


T-Force is one of these films you only watch one time. The acting is poor and the story ( typical Die Hard / Terminator combination ) is equally boring and equally unrealistic. The movie lives from his unnecessarily long and bloody action-scenes, especially in the beginning. All together: A typical PM Entertaiment Group film. Not worth to rent on video.
