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The Nail Gun Massacre

The Nail Gun Massacre (1987)

January. 04,1987
| Horror

Following the brutal rape of a young woman by a gang of construction workers, a mysterious figure wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a gold hearse begins hunting the perpetrators down. The masked avenger's weapon of choice, obviously, is a nail gun, with which he (or could it be she?) takes out the rapists one by one. Just who is this murderous vigilante?


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i must have seen a different film!!


Fresh and Exciting


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


If you're looking for a proper horror movie, skip this one keep on looking. If however, you're a fan of the so-called "so bad it's good" movies, keep on reading.I've seen lots of the so-called "so bad it's good" movies, including the notorious TROLL 2. I can say without reservation that THE NAIL GUN MASSACRE is at the top of the pile and far surpasses many slasher movies intended to be taken seriously. It is also cheaper than virtually every other movie made. It makes most B-movies look like high-budget Hollywood classics. The chances are that the spare change in your wallet probably amounts to more than the budget of this movie! This is very typical slasher fare with a very simple plot - a woman is raped by a group of construction workers. Soon after, a wave of killings by an unknown assailant armed with a nail gun begin. A doctor and a sheriff try to catch the said assailant.This grade Z movie truly is a classic of unintentional humour. All the way down from the killer's incredibly funny one-liners to a woman screaming non-stop for several minutes (this gag later being used in NUTBAG) to the sheriff's mysterious badge (which just happens to move from one side of his shirt to another between shots!) to random moronic characters showing up out of nowhere just to be killed to the cheesy special effects (the nails are actually real and not rubber as some other commenters have stated), this is truly a tremendous piece of work. It is almost certainly guaranteed to please any trash movie lover and leave you with the feeling that maybe TROLL 2 was quite competently made after all! The killer in this movie is seemingly deliberately made as ridiculous as possible. He wears a camouflage jumpsuit with a yellow oxygen tank on his back, a motorcycle helmet held together with duck tape, carries a nail gun attached to the oxygen tank by a piece of curly telephone wire, drives around in a gold hearse and speaks in a modified robotic-style voice similar to Darth Vader! I'm not making this up, seriously! His height and build also changes through the course of the movie because the director hired two stunt doubles, one of which happens to be female! A massive number of victims (about 15) get killed by the unknown assailant. The murders themselves are also ridiculously executed. People literally die even though they've only had nails fired into their arms or legs. I think you get the idea. Tons of random people show up just for the purpose of being killed and only a few main characters exist. Almost every scene seems to contain a completely different set of people compared to the previous.And the rape scene! How can I describe it? It has to be the lamest rape scene committed to film. This is no I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, so don't panic and assume you'll see anything particularly upsetting or disturbing. All you get to see is a fully clothed woman crying her eyes out for a few seconds as a few burly construction workers molest her and the scene ends quickly with seemingly 20 or so construction workers there to join in the fun. Priceless comedy.Also contained within the movie is a very funny outdoor sex scene which the director famously describes as being as close to the real thing as possible. This scene, along with all the random gratuitous topless nudity shown throughout, was added to please the distributors. The sex scene is without doubt one of the funniest you'll ever see.The movie's low rating is probably due to an inaccuracy of marketing on the part of the distributors. This should have been marketed as a comedy. If so, it would have enjoyed the popularity of spoofs such as SHAUN OF THE DEAD. Instead, the distributors decided to market it as a typical 80s slasher in the same vain as such movies as THE TOOLBOX MURDERS, BODY COUNT, THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW, MY BLOODY VALENTINE and so on. This was an obvious attempt to cash-in on the slasher boom at the time. Unfortunately, it didn't work and the movie drifted into obscurity until the eventual DVD release in 2005. The said DVD contains a documentary in which the director talks about the movie and tries to explain away some of its shortcomings. It too is a must see for fans of this movie.All in all an absolute must-see for all fans of the "so bad it's good" movie genre.


From the title and tagline (which, by the way, is one of the main reasons I got myself a copy of this film), it's clear that Nail Gun Massacre takes influence from a certain other power tool lead massacre. The film also kicks off with a rape, which is clearly the reason for all the nail gun killings; but anyone going into Nail Gun Massacre expecting something along the lines of a crossover between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I Spit on Your Grave is likely to be sorely disappointed as not only is this film the cheap mess it's reputed to be; it also doesn't feature many good killings either, which kind of cancels out any reason for seeing it. Still, it's actually not as bad as it could have been. As mentioned, the film kicks off with a scene that sees a young girl raped by a load of construction workers. Some time passes and suddenly there's a combats wearing motorcyclist with a voice obscurer and an awful looking old-fashioned nail gun. He/she has a grudge too, and soon he gets to work on picking off all the construction workers (and some other people) that committed the crime.My all time favourite melee horror film weapon is definitely the chainsaw, and while this film couldn't afford to have the murderer using one; the nail gun could have been a decent replacement if used well. Unfortunately, most of the kill scenes consist of showing us the nail gun, a sound that sounds a bit like a nail gun, and then the unlucky victim flailing around with nails stuck in them. The plotting not much better either, as the entire film mainly consists of scenes like this loosely strung together. Despite this disappointment, I'd still hesitate to call this a truly bad film. Nail Gun Massacre does have a certain charm to it that keeps it from becoming completely boring and while it gets repetitive, it is amusing for most of the duration. The killer is a pretty stupid creation and fails miserably to generate any kind of dread. The nail gun he uses fits the character...but that isn't a good thing! Overall, I cant really recommend this film as there's a great deal of similar ones out there that are a lot better, but if you're a cult film fan you'll probably want to see this for it's reputation...and you could do worse.


Power-tools and tits: a classic combination of horror movie ingredients that, as far as I'm concerned, almost always guarantees a good time (I know, I know... I'm easily pleased). However, there are always exceptions to prove the rule, and, despite plenty of bare breasts and much DIY-appliance based violence, The Nail Gun Massacre bored the hell out of me.Ineptly directed, poorly scripted and badly acted, this dreadful slasher-style effort sees a mysterious killer seeking revenge for a gang rape by using the titular tool to commit a series of murders. Looking laughable, rather than menacing, in a fetching camouflage jumpsuit and black motor-cycle helmet, our maniac somehow manages to stalk their prey unseen, before blasting them with a volley of nails. And for some inexplicable reason, the psycho also opts to talk in a strange, electronically modified Darth Vader style voice, making them seem even more absurd.The cast recite their awful dialogue displaying zero acting ability, whilst co-directors Terry Lofton and Bill Leslie display a complete lack of skill behind the camera. Throw in some unconvincing and rather weak gore (let's face it, nails don't make a lot of mess: small puncture wounds with a trickle of blood), and what you have is an amateurish production that completely fails to capitalise on its sensational title.


Probably trying to cash-in on other power-tool related horror-films like Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE and TOOLBOX MURDERS...THE NAILGUN MASSACRE is a dull and unoriginal film that has a few laugh-worthy moments that don't make it a complete and utter waste of time - though it's close...A chick is gang-raped by a bunch of construction workers. A camouflaged weirdo with a robotic voice that spits out stupid one-liners runs around with a nailgun killing a bunch of hicks and redneck hos as a means of revenge...THE NAILGUN MASSACRE is a dull snooze-fest that only has a few "gory" (but ultimately) cheezy scenes that are nothing to write home about, and a few lame nude scenes to it's credit. I would suggest not wasting your time at all on this one...4/10
