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Interception (2009)

January. 13,2009
| Drama Action Thriller

When a prototype weapon is stolen from a government facility a software engineer unknowingly becomes involved when he receives the key disk needed for detonation. With no help from authorities he is forced to team up with a suspended FBI agent to stop the group of criminals from destroying a major US city.


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Very well executed


Thanks for the memories!


If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


Independent film makers the Clay brothers wrote and directed this pulse pounding thriller with incredible originality and vision. The influence of Noir and classic Hitchcock and Fritz Lang are evident but the movie still offers something very fresh and new. Also starring John Will Clay in a superb performance that reveals him to be a quite gifted and charismatic actor. Bret Hopkins and Ashley Morgan lend strong support in roles that might well have otherwise been clichés if not for their skillful characterizations. There is high action indeed as the authorities move desperately to recover a prototype weapon that has been stolen and threatens to be detonated. The Clays make excellent use of Cincinnati locations to dial-up the suspense and the chase proceeds at a breakneck pace. Filmed on a meager budget, the lack of money never shows and any deficits in production values are well compensated for through stunning creativity, spectacular visuals, and a sharply written screenplay. This is one of those films that makes audiences truly appreciate the talent and vision of the motion picture independents.

Robert Lippke

I am really amazed how bad acting can really be, I guess that is an art too... You could not make it worse with the old form of Russian synchronization in movies, where every role is spoken by one (male) person and every sentence begins with "he sais" or "she sais"... Or wait a minute, is it maybe a new form of comedy? Is there a secret award for the worst movies - this would certainly make it to the top. I still really have no clue what it is about, a bomb attack on what by who and what for and... ugh, what is the matter with all the dialogs in the movie? Even first graders have a better vocabulary. But one has to admit, it is really hard to forget such a movie and you couldn't stop watching it either because you just can't believe what you see.


I came in to this film knowing it was low budget so keep that in mind when reading this.The Clay Brothers showed promise with better than average cinematography. The final scene on the bridge is a prime example.The plot was a little cliché', but tolerable. The acting for the most part was sub-par, mainly because it was really their first go-round if I heard correctly. John Will Clay showed flashes of brilliance despite the superfluous number of lines he had in each scene.Another bright spot in this film was the villain, Jack Bradford, played by Bret Hopkins. When the film was over, I felt like I would be seeing him in a Sundance movie in the near future.If you want to see future stars in the industry developing watch this film. It's not as bad as the other reviewers say and I think it is in international distribution currently.


Made myself some microwave popcorn in anticipation of watching this movie after seeing the 7.9 score. However, turns out that this is a huge disappointment. A 16 year old media student could do better acting than this.It's so obvious that all the lines are memorized, the acting and speech is not natural at all. There are also no facial expressions. For example a man about to die speaks with the same volume as the other guys. As a result I stopped watching this after 20 minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore.I won't even talk about special effects which are terrible but seeing that it's a low budget I won't comment on that. However, the acting is what ruins this movie and deserves a score of 0!
